Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Practice @ Gearbox Presents Desudo's Birthday

Hardstyle   Hardtrance   Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: djdesudo @
Last edited by: Loony @

Length: 01:00:00

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Gearbox - Every Thursday from 20.00 - 00.00

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Rated by: djdesudo K-Cin Dakpan Vioda greg4850 steviedoyle hardstation.FM ZeroGravity Loony Ensuna boerenlater kardar Legolas ThaMaster dreos1337 Piet-R76 loser nICo rakiru SuciF3R Sjoerd88 chrissieferrer Double-T SchizeQ UnholyMessias A-BASS Crysonic Noiser69 Delete View all ratings
Favorited by: djdesudo K-Cin


01. Dimavi - What U Think
02. Future Tribes - Zero Hour
03. Bison meets the Quakers - I Got Tonight (Original mix)
04. Krash - The World (Original extended mix)
05. Timescape - Gozer (Technoboy's Rude mix)
06. Pincky - Perfect Beat (Kat Alkolik remix)
07. DJ Zany - Volt (XQ Zany Anthem)
08. The Vision & Pulse - Pandorum
09. Chris One - Scum
10. The Machine - Audiobot
11. Delete - D
12. Dimavi - Vertigo (DJ Thera remix)
13. Forsaken is Dead & Unnatural Selection - The Unconquerable Man (The Outside Agency remix)
14. Chosen Few - Faith of the Chosen (Broken Rules remix)
15. Ophidian - Predator & prey

djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
Utterly Sensational. Mixing is first class - Youi can tell this DJ is more than a bedroom dj, he plays to entertain. And by fuck i was entertained! Amazing!!!

Delete - D  :worship:
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Amen to this set  :worship:
Vioda -
Really nice TL ! Nice B-Day Show  :thumbsup:
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
The end is more Industrial then Hardcore i think  :p
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
industrial is awesome then
ive not really listened to it much before knowlingly anyway.
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
Banging mix mate. Great Tl and mixing was fantastic
ZeroGravity -
The Heretic
07. DJ Zany - Volt (XQ Zany Anthem)
08. The Vision & Pulse - Pandorum
09. Chris One - Scum
10. The Machine - Audiobot
this part look great but i don't like the rest of it  :thumbsup:
kardar -
awesome tracklist  :) nice to see what u think and scum played. god i love scum..  (L)
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Legolas, wtf ?
Legolas -
On 04-11-2010 17:19:13, K-Cin wrote:

Legolas, wtf ?

K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
On 04-11-2010 18:00:02, Legolas wrote:



Wat is er mis met deze set  :o
Legolas -
On 04-11-2010 18:10:55, K-Cin wrote:


Wat is er mis met deze set  :o

vind er helemaal niets aan, eindigt iemand met mainstream hardcore in een hardstyle set loopt iedereen moeilijk te doen, eindigt iemand met een industrial plaat is het the epicness zelf, terwijl het nog 100x minder samen gaat
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Ah op die manier !
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
Serious the build up is wierd. Dont like the hardtrance part neither the hardstyle part. The industrial part like wtf why using industrial. overall it is  :X
DjPractice -
^ i'm glad you said that because the build up is supposed to be weird  :)

My mixes are meant to be different to others since they involve tracks that might not get played very much. But it doesnt matter if people don't Like a particular mix because I hope they will like later ones. Always try to spice up my mixes to cover many tastes

Many thanks to those for the lovely positive comments - you are all awesome  :)

Those with negative ratings, hope you look for more sets on from me since they may be more up your alley. Thanks for being honest too.

Cheers everyone and thanks to Phil (Desudo) for having me on the show last night. My own show will be on next Thurs at 1700 GMT  :)

Sam (DJ Practice)
DjPractice -
posted twice haha
i always do that here!
Edited by DjPractice on 05-11-2010 10:24
Noiser69 -
On 04-11-2010 14:57:07, K-Cin wrote:

Amen to this birthday  :worship:

 :L  :worship: