Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Jimm-E @ Mixxin the new Tracks


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: MP3
Rated by: Nilles


01. DJ D - Cold as ice - Tha Playah (Remix)
02. The Hitmen & Mike Redman - God's Will
03. Beatstream & Radiate ft. Mike Redman - Mainstream killah
04. Outblast - Masters Symphony (Evil Activities R3F!K5)
05. Partyraiser - Dancing On Your Grave
06. Predator & Angerfist - The Switch (Meccano Twins Remix)
07. Re-Style - Rise Of The Ruler (Official Syndicate Anthem 2010)
08. Amnesys - System Crash
09. Paul Elstak - I'm not an addict (Accelarator Remix)
10. Chrono & The Demon Dwarf - Your request
11. T-Junction & Angerfist - A New Level Of Freak
12. Predator - Demon pit (Angerfist remix)
13. Outblast - Eardrumz (Kutski & Bioweapon Remix)
14. Who is die bass (Mash-UP)
15. E-Noid - Disorder
16. Javi Boss & DJ Juanma - The Omen
17. Dione - Beat is pumpin
18. Tieum - Burn Them
19. Outblast & Angerfist - Delusion
20. Day Mar - Guess What
21. Tha Playah & MC Alee - Always Right