Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Duruz @ Pithune's B-Day Bash 2010 (The Dark Temptations)


Submitted by: Pithune @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:57:50
Rated by: Pithune t0n1 ZeroGravity Nois3controll3r baryshx Titatovenaar TheReducer Simfonik Vioda hardstation.FM Piet-R76 Lanoz DfuzionHardstyle

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1. Arboza & Solutio - The Tree Of Life
2. Noisecontrollers - Shreek
3. Spectrum - A Journey
4. Dozer - Hawk
5. Brennan Heart - Can't Kill Us
6. Max Enforcer - Loudness
7. Digital Punk & Waverider - Death Sentence
8. The Addicktion - Dance With Fire
9. Frequencerz - Phaser
10. The Gremlin - Infected
11. Desnar - 2H2H
12. Kodex - The Witch
13. Vyolet - Master And Slave (Zatox Mix)
14. Crypsis - Strike

Duruz -
zippyshare link added!
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
06m Max Enforcer - Loudness  :worship:

Will give a listen when I can
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Shreek  :worship: