Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

Meagashira @ For Tim Birthday Mix


Submitted by: Meagashira @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:08:00
Rated by: Nitrogen Addict Enzyme maasider TheXQz purogenerator NaeosPsy LYRIZ Destro StevieBPM EdwinH4L Krank-Im-Kopf Mrunterwijst djhardstate-one Sjepee DJ_Gracio Restless47 chicomaster bull83 Heet Micha82 -geno- Seepel Morricone Terror-Japper DJTheJoker View all ratings
Favorited by: Restless47 Terror-Japper

View as plain text


1. Tommyknocker - In The Shadow
2. Amnesys - Refly
3. Endymion & Meccano Twins - The Industry
4. Outblast - Master's Symphony (Evil Activities R3F!K5)
5. Meagashira & Endymion - Who I Am
6. State Of Emergence - Back To The Basics
7. Amnesys - Control_D_Future
8. Evil Activities - Pray For Me
9. Various Artists - Hardcore Mash Up Mix Mash Up 1
10. Alient T - Ghetto mentality
11. Weapon X - Bad Boy
12. DJ Mad Dog - Here Comes The Madness
13. Tommyknocker ft. Ian K - Scream
14. Amnesys ft. Lenny Dee - System Crash
15. Various Artists - Hardcore mash up mix mash up 2
16. Evil Activities - Evil Inside
17. The Viper - Minimix
18. Tommyknocker - Demolition (Evil Activities & Lenny Dee Remix)
19. Roland & Sherman - Somewhere Down The Lane
20. Shadowlands Terrorists - Shadowlands Anthem
21. Enzyme X - Dreadlock

NaeosPsy -
On 29-08-2010 06:28:20, ernestoow wrote:


lol, thats typical Belgian behaviour....  :thumbsup2: i also experience that at other livesets-sites.

they never read the first post of a topic and they don't know the 'rules' of the websites they visit... it's sad, very sad  :(

 >.<  :D

Thanks.  _O-
Taz -
2x mash up...... 2x mash-up neophyte records !!!!!
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 30-08-2010 20:29:31, Taz wrote:

2x mash up...... 2x mash-up neophyte records !!!!!

thats special for me, cause its a set for my bday and i love mash ups !  :kiss:
Addict -
Hahah tim Hahaha jij en mashups gaan niet samen
ernestoow -
On 29-08-2010 15:20:25, Knomo wrote:


dat mag je niet meer zeggen..

'samen de sfeer verbeteren'

sorry...maar iemand moet het een keer zeggen  :thumbsup:
ik heb me, als admin van Livesetsonline, jarenlang aan vergelijkbare gevallen doodgeërgerd. het is echt ongelofelijk om te lezen hoe slecht er door onze zuiderburen gelezen wordt  :doh: (uitzonderingen daargelaten natuurlijk)