Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Gatty @ Theracords Radio Show 087


Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: Maximumraver @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:00:00

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The Theracords Radio Show is back for a new season filled with insane combinations of hard dance styles!

For this week we have a fresh new mix from Down Under by the dark force Gatty who has just finished a new release for Therabyte. Check out his filthy dark stabbing mix on this weeks Theracords Radio Show!

Rated by: DjThera Wavolizer B-ass hhzhaznohairz Crysonic rope hostage The_real_overdoser NeRk rascal0pl SchizeQ Billy-Balzak steviedoyle JPN_RVR K-Cin Diablik Orbi Osiris boerenlater sFM_Craziest LukashAKAlukke Revir DJ_Gracio EviLiv Speedwayerr djdesudo lawless29 DjPractice Vazard brian-hayes Gatty milczy Swush JohnCove ANGEL150 Opperhoofd C-J Sc0tTy CrazyDutchMan lucswinkels View all ratings
Favorited by: NeRk Crysonic DJ_Gracio lawless29 milczy Opperhoofd C-J CrazyDutchMan

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1. Organ Donors - New Era (Kamui Remix)
2. Gatty - Downward
3. Dustin Zahn - Stranger To Stability (Diablik 'Hard Dance' Remix)
4. Gatty - Drone
5. Robbie Magura - Love Music (A.S.Y.S. Hybrid Mix I)
6. Gatty - Destruction
7. A*S*Y*S - Klick Klack WTF (Thilo & Evanti Remix)
8. DJ Hellraiser - Necromantik (Gatty Remix)
9. The Engineer - Slaughter Phunk
10. Gatty - As It Appeared
11. DJ Husband - Activate (Busho Harder Rework)
12. Gatty meets Eustace - Solitude
13. Busho ft Mark EG - Freak! (Busho Mix)

JohnCove -
Very nice mix Gatty  :thumbsup2:
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
Link Added  :thumbsup2: