Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nick Warren @ Radio 1's Essential Mix - BBC Radio 1

Progressive House   Tech house

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:57:40
Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Eric Levi - Ouverture
2. Vangelis - Blush Response
3. Saint Etienne - Cool Kids Of Death (Underworld Mix)
4. Diana Ross - Take Me Higher (Felix Da Housecat Mix)
5. Return Of The Vinyl Bandits - Simon Says
6. Mondo Scuro - Algorithm
7. F.S.O.L. - Papua New Guinea
8. Ramp - Stomp
9. Ebe Audio - Inner Energy
10. Chemical Brothers - Life Is Sweet (Daft Punk Remix)
11. Sunscreem - When
12. Slam - Positive Education
13. U.C.C. - Rest Of My Love (Dodo Bassburger Dub)
14. Nightcrawlers - Don't Let The Feeling Go
15. DJ Assassins - Tha Ruff Stuff
16. X Cabs - Outcast
17. Ennio Morricone - Once Upon A Time In America
18. Aquarius - Aquatic
19. This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren
20. Desert - Moods
21. Jeff Mills - Reverting
22. Christian Science - The Bitch
23. Shrill - Twinker (Let's 'Ave It Mix)
24. Evoke - Runaway (Biff & Memphis Remix)
25. Bel Canto - We've Got To Work It Out (Way Out West Remix)
26. Way Out West - Ajare
27. E Type - This Is The Way (Biff N Memphis Instrumental)
28. Fila Brazillia - A Zed & Two L's
29. Photek - Into The 90's
30. Rootless - Return To Savannah
31. Terrence Parker - Emancipation Of My Soul

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