Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Richie Gee @ Signal Flow Podcast 11

Industrial Hardcore   Schranz

Submitted by: Knomo @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:22

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Signal Flow Podcast 11 | Richie Gee

"The 11th episode of the Signal Flow Podcast mixed by Richie Gee!"

Rated by: Knomo [deleted user] greg4850 Nilis Legolas Destro Jatoch [deleted user] Neerhof The_Insurgent EdwinH4L Zaai Damustrial Schwarzschild eMule Immolarious Timmeehh Heet Liberate Viber quackquack Mrunterwijst Nilles Krisiek82 Elisses darklime.carnage kasselbrotzer Pluiz Jibdes Sasha_Mad Mochy MELANGE frenker Knordy Piede87 Zieloneq hardcorerepublic View all ratings
Favorited by: Heet Viber Timmeehh Krisiek82 Elisses Nilles kasselbrotzer Sasha_Mad frenker MELANGE Zieloneq sirmad666

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1. Miss Djax vs Human Resource & Marshall Masters - Stereo Destroyers
2. Sandy Warez - Gambero
3. Richie Gee - 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 (Mojito Style Remix)
4. Waldhaus - A journey Throught Time
5. Richie Gee - UkrainenMadness
6. Sandy Warez - Religious Hymm
7. Richie Gee - Madhouse 3º Birthday
8. Tymon & Waldhaus - Void
9. DJ Promo - Time To Raise Up
10. Richie Gee - You Are Evil
11. Waldahaus, Tymon & Stormtrooper - Hurricane
12. Satronica - Life Blood Pain Death (Tymon Remix)
13. Sandy Warez - Spandega
14. Richie Gee - Mojitoman
15. Tymon ft. Betty Haze - Weapons of War
16. Madhouse Brothers - Machete (Richie Gee Remix)
17. Tymon & Stormtrooper - Deadly Kicks
18. Raiderz Of The Damned - Cash
19. Tymon - Down With The Real
20. Richie Gee - The AszDrome
21. Ophidian & Tieum - Black Sun
22. Radium - Mass Power
23. Al Core - Frenchcore Can Can
24. The Speed Freak - Terrorist (Producers Terror By Error Mix)

Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
I think there can be an Industrial tag no ?

P.S. :  :hungry:
Edited by greg4850 on 16-08-2010 12:01
Evilness -
Richie Gee  :worship:  :bomb:
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
On 16-08-2010 11:59:15, greg4850 wrote:

I think there can be an Industrial tag no ?

P.S. :  :hungry:

vooruit dan maar  :p
stefanFDM -
Richie Gee  :worship: voor deze man wat een held is het ook  :D
NaeosPsy -
On 16-08-2010 11:58:31, Knomo wrote:


On 16-08-2010 12:08:38, Evilness wrote:

Richie Gee  :worship:  :bomb:

On 16-08-2010 20:26:46, stefanFDM wrote:

Richie Gee  :worship:

Metallic-violence -
Music heals the heart (Y)
On 16-08-2010 20:26:46, stefanFDM wrote:

Richie Gee  :worship: voor deze man wat een held is het ook  :D

Immolarious -
Timmeehh -
Héérlijke set!  :thumbsup2:

Wel wat faudtjes in de TL

04. Waldhaus - A Journey Through Time
11. Waldhaus, Tymon & Stormtrooper - Hurricane

Edited by Timmeehh on 18-08-2010 02:01
Nitrogen -
It's no problem for me
Viber -
Dit is nog s een lekker setje!  :w00t: Zuiver mixwerk!  :worship:
Edited by Viber on 21-08-2010 13:09
NaeosPsy -
Tracklist is fkin awesome but mixing/build-up fails in my point of view.

And that addictive industrial happy songs. Dunno what - hate or love them.  :D
gumanakar1oli -
Richie gee  :worship:  :yay:
darklime.carnage -
his typical style,not bad,but nothing new or special so +/-  =]
Zieloneq -
Panzerschreck Ur Ass!
zippy link added
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
archive added  :thumbsup: