Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Crypsis @ In Qontrol 2010 - Save.Exit.Planet


Submitted by: Edwinn @

Filetype: 96 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:00

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Rated by: stefan88pt DJArvee Basscontrollerz Opperhoofd MattiX chicomaster Krijn EviLiv Legolas Setenza Guido Heet SuciF3R sharez Scooby-Doo Rob_Styles Hektor Star Concorde Bubba A-BASS jediny trooper Jro_ Stokbrood sayenjumper KBZLL koekwous Troyee nasty1 Ozuma Tzieber WaekCore Pithune j0rrit UnholyMessias Lanoz MissShexLovesXYou Hardsectorz Nilles Phenomenon Speedboats Endymion DjThera Constantine knarfieboy Der-Ully dreos1337 Lake Hagi ZeroGravity baas purvyboy1 TheXQz Pick6 Marlboro.Man JNKz Duruz Amsterdammertje sHizo mattiess baryshx atzebadekappe eMule Cr3ativ rexton zum steviedoyle Anni_fs borpiuz sebstyl3rzz View all ratings
Favorited by: DJArvee Basscontrollerz chicomaster Heet Anni_fs borpiuz sebstyl3rzz


01. Chain Reaction - Lellebel
02. Crypsis ft. Dana - Transmission
03. The Machine ft. Sasha F - No Mad Soul
04. Crypsis - The Demand
05. Crypsis & Chain Reaction - Furious
06. Crypsis - Tuatara
07. The Machine - Place of Terror
08. Crypsis - Dust In Your Eyes (DJ Thera Remix)
09. Crypsis - Jealousy
10. Crypsis - Strike
11. Chain Reaction - Answers
12. DJ Thera - The Test 2.0 (Crypsis Remix)
13. The Machine - Mistress Of Darkness
14. Welterusten
15. Crypsis ft. Luna - Torture

Volturno -
alleen jammer dat het geluid zo zacht stond bij dit setje..
Weltruste  :worship:
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
On 06-06-2010 13:09:58, EviLiv wrote:


ye then say the right one instead of sayin only WRONG

Just look at TL, obvious that i change the TL when I know something Liv  =D
Endymion -
Same old same old  :yawn:
Jatoch -
On 06-06-2010 17:49:22, Endymion wrote:

Same old same old  :yawn:

Oké nepperd.
Backstab -
Wat een fucking helden Mix dit  :bomb:  :thumbsup2:
TerrorKaas1992 -
On 06-06-2010 17:49:22, Endymion wrote:

Same old same old  :yawn:

Why did you choose a name of a world famous artist?  :')
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
On 06-06-2010 13:21:45, Volturno wrote:

alleen jammer dat het geluid zo zacht stond bij dit setje..
Weltruste  :worship:

Geluid stond sowieso zacht bij de raw area  xD Wel een lekker setje  :L
m4a1 -
Zo rauw was het ook niet.
TheXQz -
'cause I got high. Laaa la da da
08. Crypsis & Kold Konexxion - Dust In Your Eyes (DJ Thera Remix)
13. Mannen van de Radio - Weltrusten  :worship:
Jorankeij -
De  :bomb:
m4a1 -
On 07-06-2010 14:31:41, Jorankeij wrote:

De  :bomb:

Heb je computer daar op het bureau?:o
Hektor -
Zuigen, kreng!
04. is Crypsis - The Demand.
sebstyl3rzz -