Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Warmduscher @ SSL Pick Up


Submitted by: Opperhoofd @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:55:45
Rated by: Opperhoofd OldschoolRaver Tanic steviedoyle


01. Nightbass DJ Team - Evil Bass (DJ Vortex & CJ Dynamo Remix)
02. DJ Micc - Wake Up
03. Mad-E-Fact - The Hustle (DJ Isaac Remix)
04. Eric SSL - Journey (2 Stylerz Remix)
05. Da Joker - Holy Shit (2 Stylerz Remix)
06. Black Dildo - Manual (2 Stylerz Remix)
07. Speedwave - Mescal (Bud Mix)
08. Tatanka - GTP (Technoboy Remix)
09. Technoboy - War Machine (Technoboy's 2005 Remix)
10. Brian M vs. McBunn - We Are The Bass
11. DJ Activator - From Dancefloor 2 Dancefloor
12. DJ Rob - Party People
13. Zany - Freakz
14. Jam & Spoon - I Pull My Gun (Full Mix)
15. Trance Generators - Do You Wanna Balloon?
16. Hard'Onez - Hard'Onez Bitch (Activator Remix)
17. Trilok & Chiren - The New Rave
18. Brian NRG - No Turning Back
19. Brian NRG - Nightmare

Damustrial -
01. Nightbass DJ Team - Evil Bass (DJ Vortex & CJ Dynamo Remix)
02. DJ Micc - Wake Up
03. Mad-E-Fact - The Hustle (DJ Isaac Remix)
04. Eric SSL - Journey (2 Stylerz Remix)
05. Da Joker - Holy Shit (2 Stylerz Remix)
06. Black Dildo - Manual (2 Stylerz Remix)
07. Speedwave - Mescal (Bud Mix)
08. Tatanka - GTP (Technoboy Remix)
09. Technoboy - War Machine (Technoboy's 2005 Remix)
10. Brian M vs. McBunn - We Are The Bass
11. DJ Activator - From Dancefloor 2 Dancefloor
12. DJ Rob - Party People
13. Zany - Freakz
14. Jam & Spoon - I Pull My Gun (Full Mix)
15. Trance Generators - Do You Wanna Balloon?
16. Hard'Onez - Hard'Onez Bitch (Activator Remix)
17. Trilok & Chiren - The New Rave
18. Brian NRG - No Turning Back
19. Brian NRG - Nightmare
OldschoolRaver -
BIG THX opperhoofd

I have now all sets finished!
Great work from you
Very crazy hehe
You are the best
And all sets listen in the next days hrhr
 :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2: