Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Warmduscher @ SSL Pick Up

Hardtrance   Early Hardstyle   Hardstyle

Submitted by: Opperhoofd @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:38:15
Rated by: Tanic Opperhoofd OldschoolRaver

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1. Blutonium Boy - Acid & Bass
2. Tuneboy - Money Talks Bullshit Walks
3. Technoboy - Atomic (Technoboy's King Konga Mix)
4. Philippe Rochard - Triple XXX (Max B Grant Remix)
5. Max B Grant - Black Or White (Gladheadz Brainfucker Remix)
6. Überdruck Boys - Bloody Slut 2005 (Sam Punk's Bloody Ass Mix)
7. Da Remixer Project - Arise 2005 (Sam Punk's Hard Royal Dance Remix)
8. Trancecooperation - Gebt Fein 8
9. Commanding Language - Einsamkeit
10. Miss Mine - Insanity (Trancecooperation Remix)
11. Children of E - Crack It (Gary D. Remix)
12. Fabio Dimi - My Harmony (Harder Dance Mix)
13. Daniele Mondello - Infinity (Funk Mix)
14. Liasons D. - He Chilled Out
15. Liasons D. - Stress Free (Trancendental Mix)
16. DJ Act - The Sound of The Bass (Deepack Mix)
17. DJ Michael - Improvise XXX
18. Maperock - King of Heaven
19. DJ Vortex - Incoming 2005 (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Mix)

Tanic -
01. Blutonium Boy - Acid & Bass
02. Tuneboy - Money Talks, Bullshit Walks (Original Mix)
03. Technoboy - Atomic (Technoboy's King Konga Mix)
04. Philippe Rochard - Triple XXX (Max B Grant Remix)
05. Max B Grant - Black Or White (Gladheadz Brainfucker Remix)
06. Überdruck Boys - Bloody Slut 2005 (Sam Punk's Bloody Ass Mix)
07. Da Remixer Project - Arise 2005 (Sam Punk's Hard Royal Dance Remix)
08. Trancecooperation - Gebt Fein 8 (Original Mix)
09. Commanding Language - Einsamkeit
10. Miss Mine - Insanity (Trancecooperation Remix)
11. Children of E - Crack It (Gary D. Remix)
12. Fabio Dimi - My Harmony (Harder Dance Mix)
13. Daniele Mondello - Infinity (Funk Mix)
14. Liasons D. - He Chilled Out
15. Liasons D. - Stress Free (Trancendental Mix)
16. DJ Act - The Sound of The Bass (Deepack Mix)
17. DJ Michael - Improvise XXX
18. Maperock - King of Heaven
19. DJ Vortex - Incoming 2005 (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Mix)