Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pearsall @ Eurotrash 3

Hardtrance   Acid

Submitted by: Pearsall @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 01:09:50
Rated by: OldschoolRaver Argonaut hardcorerepublic Pearsall Hansolo

View as plain text


1. Hardfloor - Into The Nature
2. DJ Misjah & Groovehead - Acid Energy
3. Nuclear Hyde - Pesola
4. Aquaplex - Instinct
5. Kind Of Intelligence - Pulsation
6. Kombinatt - Flashback
7. Sergio C - Surface
8. DJ Randy - G.O.D.
9. Rave Creator - A New Mind (Thai Acid Mix By DJ Jamo & Jack Knives)
10. Nitre - F.T.W.A.
11. The Montini Experience - Scizonoid
12. Cortex Thrill - 2nd Orbite
13. Cores - Argon (Part 2)
14. Pagemaster - Drug Center
15. Mark N-R-G - Nightflight On Wax
16. Ravebase - Runoff
17. PH1 - Technicidad
18. Wippenberg - Neurodancer (Neuronoid Mix)
19. Aura Infinity - Acid Bottle
20. Overcharge ft. G-Meter - Whiplash

Pearsall -
for more info on this mix:
OldschoolRaver -
thx for the new eurotrash mix
the info is very interesting
great work and good tracks consitition;)
 :yay:  :yay:
Pearsall -
thanks mate, hope you enjoy it!  :w00t: