Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mauro Picotto @ Oxa Zürich


Submitted by: fede1987 @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 01:14:16

More info
Mauro Picotto - Live @ OXA Zurich 19.April.2002

Rated by: hostage Rum-P fede1987 steviedoyle

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1. Kay D Smith - Psychodrill
2. ID (?)
3. Danilo Vigorito - Pression
4. Mauro Picotto - Dark Room
5. ID (?)
6. Libe - Delta Force
7. ID (?)
8. Rino Cerrone - Untitled (A1) [RILIS08]
9. Danilo Vigorito - Concordia
10. Oliver Ho - Fossil
11. ID (?)
12. Christian Smith & John Selway - Weather (Speedy J Mix)
13. ID (?)
14. ID (?)
15. Gary Martin - People in High Places (GiGi Galaxy Mix)
16. Danilo Vigorito - Drill
17. ID (?)
18. ID (?)
19. Speedy J - Krekc

Amateur DJ  :?
Nitrogen -
It's no problem for me
fede1987 -
i'm sorry mauro picotto is the best dj in italy  :thumbsup2:
mrbobross -
Added New link on request
moppi -
18. ID Who know this fantastic track???
moppi -
Min 17 Needledust - Wuh!