Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Prototype @ Dub Studios


Submitted by: Serialkillah92 @

Filetype: MP3

More info
dub demo


1 .Crissy chris & youngman :Kick Snare
2. Nero - Act like you
3. The Prodigy - breath ( numbernin6 Rmix )
4. Prototype - Superman ( Nero & Eminem Mashup )
5. Magic Mash - Give me Some more
6. Blame Ft Ruff Swqad - on my own ( bassline and drumsound Rmix )
7. Pendulum - Showdown ( eXcision RemIX)
8. Nero - This way
9. Prototype - Crynocal Disorder
10. Datsik - Retreath (EXcision Rmix )
11. Barletta - Panther ( Zeds death Remix)
12. Balkansky - United Dubstep
13. Chasins shadows - Amirah
14. Underhill - User error

djblacksun -
Fake Shit

Prototype  :^)