Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Mindflayer @ Sound of Fantasy 007


Submitted by: adasko004 @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:37:21


01. Cosmic Gate feat Tiff Lacey - Open Your Heart
02. Alex Robert - Ze World
03. Ben Preston Feat. Susie - Remember Me (Daniel Kandi's Flashy Tribute Mix)
04. Michael Angelo & Solo feat Denise Rivera - Alone (Ashley Wallbridge Vocal Remix)
05. Digger - Church of RA
06. Jay B - Eleven Thirty
07. Sean Tyas - Seven Weeks
08. DNS Project feat Johanna - Mindful (RonskiSpeed Dub)
09. Fabio XB & Ronnie Play feat. Gabriel Cage - Inside Of You (Cosmic Gate Remix)
10. Jorn Van Deynhoven - Fastlane
11. Sophie Sugar - Together
12. Menno de Jong & Leon Bolier pres. Solar Express - Momentum
13. Leon Bolier - YE
14. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt - Light (Mike Shivers Garden State Mix)
15. Cream Sound - Silence (Phonic Deep Remix)
16. Moonpax vs Snatt & Vix - Winter of Love