Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Bastardo @ Home 9


Submitted by: bastardo @

Rated by: Morricone Tunnelgaenger tiescarbo Opperhoofd djcirid dennisz SuciF3R Legolas donkeyass AmeN


Doom jay chrizz - Lost in space (Robin clark mix)
Blutoniumboy - hardstyle superstar
wildstylez - revenge
superwave - difference (blademasterz mix)
the prophet - chubby
brian m vs mc bunn - check it out
maly - only human
soul - t & pila-fiction (audio damage mix)
jack overdose - octavius augustus
faithless - insomnia(richie chaos mix)
blutoniumboy - ebeat
brennan heart - pitchin
showtek - fts (rmx)
brian m vs mc bunn - into hell
maly - this is our life
glowiej & alter egoz - fear fm anthem
zatox - live mashup

Tunnelgaenger -
good work Bastardo  :thumbsup2:
excess -
blijft moeilijk he, normaal doen
Showtek - Fts  :cry:  :aww:
tiescarbo -
tfoe voor iedereen
the prophet - chubby. i realy like this song. But you don't ever play set rips. Respect -1000.  :X  :X  :X  :X  :X
toddy34 -
i know what is all that about playing live set rips.  :thumbsdown:
dennisz -
I haven't even listened to your set, and I won't, but playing rips from live sets is just wrong.

FFS buy some vinyl or full tracks if you're trying to a serious DJ.
