Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

Solutio & The I's @ The Magic Show


Submitted by: Titatovenaar @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 01:00:00

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Rated by: PhresiF Jipdenk Titatovenaar Mind.Illusion Setenza Balkbrug Jro_ Duruz Neaunamer T-1 QuakerSw vincejuh Nats onderkoffer Nitrogen Khadber DjThera steviedoyle Jubka [deleted user] greg4850 freddyadu8 Maximize -Tom- macfocha fen0m Guido sFM_Craziest purogenerator Knocks baryshx HS-HC-4life chris_one SuciF3R TerrorKaas1992 Maci Levy Timmeehh RavingMilf Sainen UnholyMessias Zairon Ajaxwammes E-Stylezz ShortURL Dakpan MrDrokz Legolas ThaMaster djcalyone filippomper Bubba Wermuth chicomaster sharez Phenomenon [deleted user] Zwockstyle mattiess Kassi Baraba rexton Pithune pxlisa Jatoch B.A.S.H loser EviLiv JohnCove TheXQz Freakersz Zanza Flugeltje eMule Nois3controll3r kollie ANGEL150 nasty1 sHizo hostage Michiel201 Lake ThE_ShInInG View all ratings
Favorited by: HS-HC-4life Lake

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1. Pavo - Classic
2. Psyko Punkz - After MF
3. Arboza & Solutio - Warpath
4. Crypsis - Jealousy
5. Outsiders - Infectious (Alpha² Remix)
6. Ran-D - Inner Child
7. Solutio & The I's - Against Us
8. Degos & Re-Done - S@ls@
9. Chris One - Scum
10. Zany & Beholder - Midnight
11. Noisecontrollers - Samara
12. Solutio & The I's - City Of Chaos
13. Zatox & The R3bels - Choirs
14. High Voltage - Bombs Away

rexton -
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
one vote and it is a  :bomb:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
and it's a  :bomb: !
Dakpan -
No Hostages
Nu niet meer.
EviLiv -
isnt 5 the alpha twins remix  :?
Zanza -
Nog nooit van deze gasten gehoord. Maar dikke tracklist + eigen tracks zijn ook vet!  :thumbsup2:
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 29-01-2010 11:36:21, Zanza wrote:

Nog nooit van deze gasten gehoord. Maar dikke tracklist + eigen tracks zijn ook vet!  :thumbsup2:

Zanza -
On 29-01-2010 11:40:00, TimTim wrote:



stoere boi
eMule -
Not Your Monkey Not Your Robot
High Voltage - Bombs Away  :yum:
Lake -
Can someone change the name into Solutio & The I's?