Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

ResQ @ Before InQontrol Special

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: w1nx @

Rated by: OldschoolRaver SchizeQ SwiRek [deleted user] Damustrial


01. Thalamus - Flash Forward (InQontrol 2006 Anthem)
02. Sa.Vee.Oh - Loophole
03. Miss Jarea - Move Ya Head (Original Mix)
04. DJ Lukas - Fuckin Crazy (Original Mix)
05. Antolini And Montorsi - Seven Days (Sixt And Seventh Day Mix)
06. Walt - Silver Machin (Original Edit)
07. DJ Millo - Fuckin Trip On Xtc (Third Trip Mix)
08. A-Lusion - Perfect It
09. DJ Isaac & DJ Zany - What U Need
10. Showtek - Puta Madre (DJ Zany's M.I.L.F. Mix)
11. Luna - Cut The Break
12. Luna - Bring that Shit Back
13. D-Block And S-Te-Fan-U Will Be Dancing
14. DJ Rob - In Your Face
15. A-Lusion - Powered Up Again
16. Citizen - Members Of Gay Day (Mix 2)
17. Showtek vs Gizmo - 3 Tha Hard Way
18. Overload - The Anthem (Vortex And Zatox Mix)
19. Ironblood - Scientists Of The Sound (Zatox Mix)
20. GVA - Freddy Got Fingered
21. TMNT - Blackout(Original Mix)
22. Tornadozzer - Hey Bitch!
23. Spacestorm - Game Over
24. DJ N3ck Vs Caffeine - Hard One'z Bitch (DJ Activator Remix)
25. DJ Activator - From Dancefloor To Dancefloor

MastaBlasta -
 :thumbsup:Now thats a True Hardstyle line up looks good let me listen ill download