Shoutbox: [17-12] dannytoplesdj: WOW! Headhunterz - Psychedelic (Danny Toples Remix)  :info:  :bomb:  xD

Dela & SchizeQ , The Genesis Projection @ Promo Mix No.6


Submitted by: SchizeQ @
Last edited by: djblacksun @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:10:00

More info

Rated by: Opperhoofd Weedy0104 lawless29 greg4850 Nielos Neaunamer [deleted user] hostage Nitrogen atzebadekappe Grzybek LeD Legolas Heet sc00b vulcan sveen_dj szczupak87 BartyFire Ivanow
Favorited by: ANGEL150 vulcan BartyFire


01. Lenny Dee & Radium - Who's Next?
02. Angerfist - Bite Yo Style
03. Neophyte vs. Lenny Dee - The Future Priests Of Now
04. The Genesis Projection - World Grid
05. Negative-A - Adrenochroom
06. Unexist - Attack (Dj Mad-Dog Remix)
07. Re-style - Sacrifice (Dr Z-vago remix)
08. DJ Partyraiser - Time To Raise The Party
09. Unexist vs Day-Mar - KO
10. Tha Playah - My Misery
11. Lenny Dee & Tieum - Microtronic
12. SRB - Call The Cops
13. Exagon - Bullshit
14. Chrono & The Demon Dwarf - Doe Is Ff Rustig Aan
15. Headbanger - Severed Heads
16. Tripped - Tiger
17. Hollands Hardest - Holland Is Gvd Het Hardste(Neophyte's Nog Steeds Mix)
18. DJ Narotic Vs. Lenny Dee - Ring Around The Pit(Brooklyn Bronx Mix)
19. SRB - Bangkok Booster
20. Painetration - I'm Right
21. The M.S.P. & DJ Basler - Niesmaczna Lekcja
22. Terrorbunny - Fuck Off

Weedy0104 -
The Comanator himself
mixxing of gtp is much better then his last set which blacksun posted.... tl nice mixxing nice so + nice set  :)
SchizeQ -
Opperhoofd  :aww:
Bierman -
5.Negative-A - Adrenochroom  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
djblacksun -
Fake Shit
On 26-12-2009 10:43:50, Weedy0104 wrote:

mixxing of gtp is much better then his last set which blacksun posted.... tl nice mixxing nice so + nice set  :)

Lol , i never posted The Genesis Projection set's  =D it's Morango posted  :aww:  :bday:
Heet -
schizu plus ale w moim osobistym odczuciu po 14 tracku już sie tak nie kleiło, ale to tylko moja osobista sentencja dla Ciebie i Deli.  :beer:
SchizeQ -
Heet bo to bylo granie bardziej eksperymentalne, polegajace na trackliscie nie na technice, a raczej nie na technice branej przez ogoljako dobra  :) Takie odejscie od standardu bez straty na jakosci technicznej  :)
SchizeQ -