Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

DJ Astrid @ DefQon.1 2008


Submitted by: Opperhoofd @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:28:13
Rated by: Spezia Odyssee SilverFlame Nois3controll3r hawker OldschoolRaver djcirid Kolli samutechnofolle [deleted user] [deleted user] kwaibegai MattiX RoulenD Loony A-BASS Rollaperni Damustrial

_sixpack_ -
 :thumbsup2:  :6:
Nois3controll3r -
All Style Classics is the genre^^  :rtfm:
Opperhoofd -
On 04-07-2008 15:27:13, Nois3controll3r wrote:

All Style Classics is the genre^^  :rtfm:

You're stupid!  :X

All Style Classics is a non-existing style in the lsdb database.

Better look first instead of acting dumb.  :no:
Nois3controll3r -
i know that very well  :thumbsup:
Fetch -
Ik ben beter als jou
Hahaha,.. flame flame flame,.. Huppaaaa!!!  :yay:
OldschoolRaver -
 :yay:  :yay:  :yay: What fucking great set!My favorite set from this defqon!
i need the tracklist!what is track at 45:20
so nice this track!Banging unstoppable flahbacks!
Not to hard not to boring!its wonderful!
I say it ever and ever again back to oldschool or back to the 90s tunnel^^  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:
mikkeh -
anyone knoes the last track ?!?!

 :bomb:  :yay:
kwaibegai -
yeah man also getting much memories  :)
Loony -
Big Dawg
Class set  :worship: