Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Borgore @ Goresteps Most Hated


Submitted by: TomStyle @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:42:57

More info
Ego Presents Borgore - Goresteps Most Hated

Rated by: Legolas TomStyle hardcorerepublic Jann K-Cin pppbax HARDSTYLE_BRABANT RDLyTN Antisocialer boochovsky
Favorited by: 2539013 Antisocialer boochovsky

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1. Borgore - Cry Me A River
2. Borgore - Ambient Dub Shit
3. Jelly Bass & Brother Culture - No Love (Borgore & Jazzsteppa Remix)
4. Borgore ft. Ranking Levy - Rub A Dubstep
5. Borgore - Ice Cream
6. Borgore - Borgore Ina Trouble
7. Borgore - Act Like A Ho
8. Borgore - Mamas Boy
9. Borgore - Go To Bed V.I.P
10. Borgore - Birthday And The Black November
11. Borgore & Jazzsteppa - Shamen
12. Borgore - One Step Ahead
13. Borgore - The Bitter Orchestral Girl
14. Borgore - Guided Relaxation Dub
15. Borgore - Perversion
16. Borgore - Love
17. Borgore - Foes V.I.P
18. Rusko - Wooboost (Borgore Remix)
19. Borgore - Money
20. Borgore - Saturday Night
21. Borgore - My Favorite Tingz

Legolas -
achting ondertussen gedaald.
Edited by Legolas on 23-09-2011 09:01
TomStyle -
Wobble Bass
Gorestep  :bomb:
Dannym -
 8-) juistem !!
TeknoTime -
ziet er een lekker setje uit!  :thumbsup:
effe downe maar denk niet dat borgore me zal teleurstelle..  ;)
- Tracklist -
A list of tracks, played inside the mix.

A tracklist should be represented like this:
[number] [Artist] - [Title] [Mix/Remix (if there is any included)]

Do NOT swap titles & artists, because it will look confusing.
Jann -
de Mann.
Nice, listening to it before and I still love it!  :L
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Heb Borgore vorige week nog LIVE aan het werk gezien, gruwelijk  :worship:
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
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