Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Isor @ Problematic Freequency

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: Isor @

Length: 01:46:05

More info
155 - 220 BpM
I hope you will enjoy!

Rated by: greg4850 Revolting_Against Sign_X CSR-Terror MicroClown Nielos


01.daisy aka mandragore - guns (jaykriss remix)
02.stan grewzell - mondmarsch
03.moleculez & the relic - monocular
04.tymon - destroy techno
05.tymon - punk bitch
06.ophidian - predator & prey
07.rude awakening - riding dirty
08.satronica - shivered
09.negative a - loops & drinks
10.stan grewzell - alluring ghosts
11.sarin assault - i will take your soul
12.stan grewzell - frost function
13.stormtrooper - rampage
14.broken rules - mess with the program
15.ophidian - angel
16.tymon - gucci
17.stormtrooper - fear fm
18.enzyme x - god's child
19.rude awakening - vive la france
20.fiend & broken rules vs lenny dee - breakya head
21.moleculez - gargoyle
22.stan grezwell - das grauen
23.ruffneck and mindustries - xenophobia
24.enzyme x - the rosy-lipped batfish
25.fiend & broken rules - tuff enuff
26.the outside agency - hells basement
27.cut a kaos - why you fuck me up
28.fiend - gang violence people
29.the dj producer - problematic freequency
30.the outside agency - the kid with the golden axe
31.drokz - hersenspinsel
32.enzyme x - kegadoru
33.akira - fast and akkurad(spaced out version)
34.the outside agency - yie ar kung-fu

Jatoch -
greg4850, listen a set before you rate it shitter.

Xenophobia  :yay:
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
On 18-11-2009 09:31:57, Jatoch wrote:

greg4850, listen a set before you rate it shitter.

Xenophobia  :yay:

i have listen it  :thumbsup:

i dont know what you have against me ? (Dakpan,Jatoch and Jro_)
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 18-11-2009 10:45:03, greg4850 wrote:


i have listen it  :thumbsup:

i dont know what you have against me ? (Dakpan,Jatoch and Jro_)


I never speak to you.
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
On 18-11-2009 10:50:30, Dakpan wrote:



I never speak to you.

of course  :thumbsup:

everytime when i left a comment you answer it on a stupid way  :-/

i can tell nothing without a comment from you three  >.<

i know in the topic i write Noize Suppressor - Jatoch is a Pussy  :p

but its for joke man  :thumbsup:
Xerxes -
Everybody's favourite Belgian
the outside agency - hells basement

Underestimated track  :L
Jatoch -
On 18-11-2009 10:45:03, greg4850 wrote:


i have listen it  :thumbsup:

i dont know what you have against me ? (Dakpan,Jatoch and Jro_)

You started in the Noize Suppressor topic my love, but don't care so can I be your friend?  :$
Revolting_Against [Set Editor] -
Be My Mind
On 18-11-2009 11:26:16, Xerxes wrote:

the outside agency - hells basement

Underestimated track  :L

It has been played by almost the whole big industrial scene, and has been in sale-charts for a couple of weeks, so underestimated?
Sign_X -
Nekrolog1k -> My Religion !
nice work my friend  :p  :thumbsup:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 18-11-2009 11:58:34, Revolting_Against wrote:


It has been played by almost the whole big industrial scene, and has been in sale-charts for a couple of weeks, so underestimated?


Xerxes.  :bye:
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
On 18-11-2009 11:40:07, Jatoch wrote:

You started in the Noize Suppressor topic my love, but don't care so can I be your friend?  :$

yes of course  :p
MicroClown -
Gunz Up !
vet setje !  :worship:  :thumbsup2: weiter so rosi  ;)