Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Piccolo Kimico @ Reflex


Submitted by: MarcoTechnofolle @

Filetype: 256 kbit MP3
Length: 01:39:17
Rated by: MarcoTechnofolle Rollaperni
Favorited by: MarcoTechnofolle


01. Catscan - Capture in Distress
02. Catscan - How much can you take

MarcoTechnofolle -
Please help with tracklist!  :)
MarcoTechnofolle -
Added Megaupload mirror  :thumbsup:
MarcoTechnofolle -
Tracklist??  :cry:
3.Base Alert - Zoo
5.Ophidian-Butterfly VIP
6.Tommyknocker vs Sunbeam - Twisted world (The Viper Mashup mix)
7.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Come as one
8.Amnesys - Worldwide crisis
9.Tha Playah & Evil Activities - Cold as me
10.Art of Fighters - Earthquacke
11.PCP - Zombie
12.Unexist -ID
13.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Live a lie
14.Menace II Society vs Catscan - Chronic counter
15.Amnesys - Elevation
16.Dj Neophyte & Tha Playah - Still Nr.1
17.Roland and Sherman - Jonge Edammer
18.Angerfist - Broken chain (Dj Mad Dog rmx)
19.Angerfist & Predator - Legend
20.Tha Playah - Fuck the titties (Tommyknocker & The Viper rmx)
21.Outblast & Angerfist - The Dominators 2009 rfx
22.Mike NRG - Lost in dreams (Weapon X rmx)
23.Paul Elstak - Offensive trillah
24.Promo - Preak ya speaka
25.Evil Activities - Quite dedication (Neophyte & Tha Playah rmx)
26.Neophyte - I will have that power (The Stunned Guys rmx)
27.Euromasters - Alles naar de klote (Neophyte & Evil Activities rmx)
28.Unexist - Attack
MarcoTechnofolle -
On 17-11-2009 02:32:18, GIORGIONE wrote:

3.Base Alert - Zoo
4.Angerfist - Raise your fist
5.Ophidian-Butterfly VIP
6.Tommyknocker vs Sunbeam - Twisted world (The Viper Mashup mix)
7.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Come as one
8.Amnesys - Worldwide crisis
9.Tha Playah & Evil Activities - Cold as me
10.Art of Fighters - Earthquacke
11.PCP - Zombie
12.Unexist -ID
13.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Live a lie
14.Menace II Society vs Catscan - Chronic counter
15.Amnesys - Elevation
16.Dj Neophyte & Tha Playah - Still Nr.1
17.Roland and Sherman - Jonge Edammer
18.Angerfist - Broken chain (Dj Mad Dog rmx)
19.Angerfist & Predator - Legend
20.Tha Playah - Fuck the titties (Tommyknocker & The Viper rmx)
21.Outblast & Angerfist - The Dominators 2009 rfx
22.Mike NRG - Lost in dreams (Weapon X rmx)
23.Paul Elstak - Offensive trillah
24.Promo - Preak ya speaka
25.Evil Activities - Quite dedication (Neophyte & Tha Playah rmx)
26.Neophyte - I will have that power (The Stunned Guys rmx)
27.Euromasters - Alles naar de klote (Neophyte & Evil Activities rmx)
28.Unexist - Attack

Grazie mille per i titoli!
oh cazzo ma la 4 nn te l'avevo scritta  >.< scusami  =] figurati grazie a te per aver caricato questo live.GRANDE KIMICO!!!HARDCORE WARRIORS!!!  :worship:  :worship:
Rollaperni -
硬的風格是假的 !
Kimico  :worship:
mo ascolto
MarcoTechnofolle -
La numero 12? Qualcuno sa il titolo?
MarcoTechnofolle -
On 17-11-2009 02:32:18, GIORGIONE wrote:

3.Base Alert - Zoo
5.Ophidian-Butterfly VIP
6.Tommyknocker vs Sunbeam - Twisted world (The Viper Mashup mix)
7.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Come as one
8.Amnesys - Worldwide crisis
9.Tha Playah & Evil Activities - Cold as me
10.Art of Fighters - Earthquacke
11.PCP - Zombie

13.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Live a lie
14.Menace II Society vs Catscan - Chronic counter
15.Amnesys - Elevation
16.Dj Neophyte & Tha Playah - Still Nr.1
17.Roland and Sherman - Jonge Edammer
18.Angerfist - Broken chain (Dj Mad Dog rmx)
19.Angerfist & Predator - Legend
20.Tha Playah - Fuck the titties (Tommyknocker & The Viper rmx)
21.Outblast & Angerfist - The Dominators 2009 rfx
22.Mike NRG - Lost in dreams (Weapon X rmx)
23.Paul Elstak - Offensive trillah
24.Promo - Preak ya speaka
25.Evil Activities - Quite dedication (Neophyte & Tha Playah rmx)
26.Neophyte - I will have that power (The Stunned Guys rmx)
27.Euromasters - Alles naar de klote (Neophyte & Evil Activities rmx)
28.Unexist - Attack

On 17-11-2009 02:32:18, GIORGIONE wrote:

3.Base Alert - Zoo
5.Ophidian-Butterfly VIP
6.Tommyknocker vs Sunbeam - Twisted world (The Viper Mashup mix)
7.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Come as one
8.Amnesys - Worldwide crisis
9.Tha Playah & Evil Activities - Cold as me
10.Art of Fighters - Earthquacke
11.PCP - Zombie
12.Unexist -ID
13.G-Town Madness & The Viper - Live a lie
14.Menace II Society vs Catscan - Chronic counter
15.Amnesys - Elevation
16.Dj Neophyte & Tha Playah - Still Nr.1
17.Roland and Sherman - Jonge Edammer
18.Angerfist - Broken chain (Dj Mad Dog rmx)
19.Angerfist & Predator - Legend
20.Tha Playah - Fuck the titties (Tommyknocker & The Viper rmx)
21.Outblast & Angerfist - The Dominators 2009 rfx
22.Mike NRG - Lost in dreams (Weapon X rmx)
23.Paul Elstak - Offensive trillah
24.Promo - Preak ya speaka
25.Evil Activities - Quite dedication (Neophyte & Tha Playah rmx)
26.Neophyte - I will have that power (The Stunned Guys rmx)
27.Euromasters - Alles naar de klote (Neophyte & Evil Activities rmx)
28.Unexist - Attack

12 - Unexist - The Poem  :bomb: