Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

CAP @ Heat Sink Vol 1

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcoreCAP @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:34:54

More info
here's a mix i made of my work. Forsaken Is Dead handed out copies of this mix along with his own work at Ground Zero 2009. hope you enjoy

Rated by: Xerxes Knomo Damustrial Nielos greg4850 TimTim steviedoyle Nilis pppbax Setenza Robintjuh forsakenisdead waz3 Krank-Im-Kopf Bierman DLSS bassboy883 a_ser Neerhof fub schroothoop A-BASS Star djblacksun Morbid_Angel MattiX Liberate Sign_X HS-HC-4life eMule Praevus cytheria Enzyme View all ratings
Favorited by: HS-HC-4life greg4850 Knomo Robintjuh a_ser


1. Forsaken Is Dead - Mentally Transmitted Disease (Cap Remix)
2. Cap - This Is Not A War
3. The Illuminati - Near Death Experiences (Cap Remix)
4. Cap - Hand Over Your Flesh
5. Cap - Test In Progress
6. Cap - Metal Girl
7. Cap - Amniplekks
8. Cap - Adrenaline Junkie
9. Cap - Pulmonary Embolism

djblacksun -
Fake Shit
waz3 -
nice man  ;)
MattiX -
To be honest i wasnt going to download this but i saw all these green votes and good feedback ill try that track u uploaded..bloody loved it great mix cant wait for your next one  :thumbsup:
HS-HC-4life -
i love LSDB
listened and and omg amazing  :^)  :S  :S you are awesome  :S

please more set  :S

industrial  o_O  :worship:  :worship:
a_ser -
A_ser = Decay
A-bass massive fail  :doh:
pppbax -
A-bass = G A Y  :thumbsdown:
Nielos -
Frenchkickz Records Owner
A-Bass can you explain why you gave this set a negative vote ?

If I watch your profile I see alot of sets that are allot worse and you give them a +.

Do you hate the industrial style ?
MattiX -
lol @ people hittin up A-Bass who cares really if he doesnt like it then he negative voted woopie doo the mix is great the tracks are great industrial lovers like it all that matters.
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
bangin mix mate  :yay:
Nielos -
Frenchkickz Records Owner
@ MattiX

I'm not hittin up at A-Bass.
I'm seriously asking him why :-).