Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Warning: there is an annoying MC in this liveset.

Tatanka @ TNT Kamasutra

Hardstyle   Classic hardstyle

Submitted by: scat @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 00:51:10

More info
Tatanka @ TNT Kamasutra Venezia (Spiritika 2006)

Rated by: hawker

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1. The Raiders - Miss Kidman On A Cruise (Eyes Wide Style Mix)
2. The Prophet & Brennan Heart - The Payback
3. ID (ID (vocals from Moby - 1000))
4. Blademasterz - Masterblade
5. ID (ID)
6. Zatox - Bad Time
7. T.AT.A.N.K.A. Project - Tripods Attack
8. Wild Motherfuckers - Fuck It Up
9. Lowriders - Don't Get Back
10. Tuneboy - Just A Detail (TBY Still Loves The Reverse Bass Mix) vs TNT - Second Match (Original TNT Mix) Mashup
11. ID (ID)
12. Tatarola - Insane (Original Tatanka Mix)
  Kamasutra Outro
13. Mike NRG - Lost In Dreams (Tat 'n Zat Mix)

Datan -
MC  :thumbsdown:  :thumbsdown:
hawker -
Een venter.
MC Warning?

Cool feature  :W

And WTF? Music is *really* loud, while MC is shouting at all his power, then my eardrums are fcked up  :S


In the set MC shouted:



01. The Raiders - Miss Kidman On A Cruise (Eyes Wide Style Mix)
02. Brennan Heart - Payback
03. ID (vocals from Moby - 1000)
04. Blademasterz - Master Blade
05. ID
06. Zatox - Bad Time
07. T.AT.A.N.K.A. Project - Tripods Attack
08. Wild Motherfuckers - Fuck It Up
09. Lowriders - Don't Get Back
10. Tuneboy - Just A Detail (TBY Still Loves The Reverse Bass Mix) vs. TNT - Second Match (Original TNT Mix) Mashup
11. ID
12. Tatarola - Insane (Original Tatanka Mix)
13. Kamasutra Outro
14. Mike NRG - Lost In Dreams (Tat 'n Zat Mix)
bartjekragten -
haha weet je genoeg  ;)  :cry:
Fetch -
Ik ben beter als jou
Wat een uitvinding zeg die warning  :worship:

Gaat 'm niet eens proberen te downloaden, neem aan dat het zo'n italiaanse natnicht is met zo'n jankend stemmetje.  :thumbsdown:
pointzero -
reuploaded part 5 of the TNT Kamasutra