Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Plan-B @ Trance Sessions Vol. 1


Submitted by: IvEzE @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:48:30

More info
first edition in a series of trance mixes from myself. volume 2 coming soon.....

Rated by: A-BASS


paul_van_dyk_and_alex_m.o.r.p.h. - in_circles_(alex_m.o.r.p.h._remix_-_album_edit)

John O'Callaghan Feat Lo-Fi Sugar - Never Fade Away (Andy Duguid Remix)

Signalrunners - Meet Me In Montauk (Oliver Smith Remix)

John O'Callaghan Feat Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix)

Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt - Not Enough Time (Sied van Riel Remix)

Andy Duguid Feat Leah - Wasted (Original Mix)

Orjan Nilsen - La Guitarra (Original Mix)

a bit too short...
make the next 1 90 mins  :p  :thumbsup:
IvEzE -
yep, i will definatly make the next mix longer mate