Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Arvee @ RHR DJ Contest 2007


Submitted by: DJArvee @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:30:00

More info
Just found this mix in my Mail History, its from the Old days when i was spinning Jump and stuff  :D .. those vinyls where my first vinyls i think, because i started music in 2007  :D

Rated by: Pithune Fecarez Opperhoofd stiba Tanic the_voice Legolas DJArvee


01. The Playboyz - Check One (DJ Coone Remix)
02. Gee and Dee - Flashback
03. DJ Coone - Keep it Whoat!
04. Chicago Zone - Hands Up!
05. Massiv Vs The Rebel - Maniac (Chicago Zone Remix)
06. Mark V vs Poogie Bear - Buzzin 2006
07. DJ Pat B - All over me (DJ Pat B's 2007 Remix)
08. Microsome - Flight
09. The Prophet vs. Deepack - Stampuhh (Beholder & Max Enforcer Rmx)

DJArvee -
Jullie Ma
02. Gee and Dee - Flashback
03. DJ Coone - Keep it Whoat!

05. Massiv Vs The Rebel - Maniac (Chicago Zone Remix)
06. Mark V vs Poogie Bear - Buzzin 2006
07. DJ Pat B - All over me (DJ Pat B's 2007 Remix)
08. Microsome - Flight

 :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:
Tanic -
Check one, check one ...
when I come down I come down right to the sun

 :worship:  :yay:  :L