Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Hardstyle Top 40 @ Fear FM October 2009


Submitted by: ___TP___ @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 02:50:47

More info
with Cue File (Selfmade by ___TP___)

Rated by: Setenza Odyssee JohnCove Basscontrollerz Jro_ D-Mind Dakpan hostage SoundTrader Legolas Paxton atzebadekappe Opperhoofd x-cored Revir stefan88pt technoboyYNWA27 koldsa Typh HS-HC-4life SuciF3R Q-DanCe__ []Playboy fakka-G. Scooby-Doo dreos1337 baryshx Khadber Zairon Robintjuh speedboot25 A-BASS Kodex Mogyi steviedoyle Gost Kamiru raeka chicomaster TheReckless Nois3controll3r Morricone View all ratings


01 - Noisecontrollers - Astral 2009 [New]
02 - Deepack vs D-Block & S-te-Fan - Rock Diz [New]
03 - Zany meets The Beholder - Do You Want Heavy? [New]
04 - Low-E vs Alter Egosz - W.T.F. [New]
05 - Zatox - Vintage [New]
06 - Gostosa - What's Going On [New]
07 - Ivan Carsten - You Try To Play Me [New]
08 - Donkey Rollers - Innocent
09 - Bioweapon - Move Your Body [New]
10 - Zany - Maximum Force [New]
11 - Showtek - World Is Mine [New]
12 - Noisecontrollers - Samara [New]
13 - Digital Punk & Profyler - Loose Control [New]
14 - Zatox - The Noisemaker [New]
15 - Brennan Heart - Face The Enemy [New]
16 - Deepack vs D-Block & S-te-Fan - In Other Wordz [New]
17 - Zany meets The Beholder - The New God [New]
18 - Psyko Punkz - Ghost Class [New]
19 - Bioweapon - In Sound [New]
20 - Ivan Carsten - Triumph [New]
21 - Donkey Rollers - Justice 4 All
22 - Low-E vs Alter Egosz - Vendetta [New]
23 - Frontliner & Ruthless - One Bananaz [New]
24 - Gostosa - Never Say Never [New]
25 - Proppy & Heady - Summer Of Hardstyle
26 - Hardstyle Syndicate & Marcus Jones - Boogyman [New]
27 - Zatox - I Hate U [New]
28 - Noisecontrollers - Surge Of Power [New]
29 - B-Ware & Frequencerz - Rawk [New]
30 - Showtek - We Speak Music [New]
31 - Crypsis & Luna - Torture [New]
32 - Brennan Heart - Muzik Biz [New]
33 - Zatox feat. The R3bels - Storm [New]
34 - Frontliner - Sunblast
35 - Brainkicker - Assfuck [New]
36 - Noisecontrollers - Venom (Wildstylez Remix) [New]
37 - Kodex feat. MC Lil-D - Live Fast [New]
38 - Pavo - Communicate
39 - Ran-D vs Alpha² - Say Yeah
40 - Davide Sonar - Believe

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Rock Diz zo hoog?
mstx [Admin] -
Altijd goed geleid en shit
On 04-10-2009 15:00:37, Pithune wrote:

Rock Diz zo hoog?

Ik verbaas me eerder over

03 - Zany meets The Beholder - Do You Want Heavy? [New]

Basscontrollerz -
Gostosa - What's Going On  :X
Bioweapon - Move Your Body  :worship:
Zatox feat. The R3bels - Storm  :worship:
Noisecontrollers - Astral 2009  :-/
D-Mind -
01 - Noisecontrollers - Astral 2009 [New]
05 - Zatox - Vintage [New]
06 - Gostosa - What's Going On [New]
07 - Ivan Carsten - You Try To Play Me [New]
16 - Deepack vs D-Block & S-te-Fan - In Other Wordz [New]
17 - Zany meets The Beholder - The New God [New]
18 - Psyko Punkz - Ghost Class [New]
21 - Donkey Rollers - Justice 4 All
27 - Zatox - I Hate U [New]
28 - Noisecontrollers - Surge Of Power [New]
33 - Zatox feat. The R3bels - Storm [New]
36 - Noisecontrollers - Venom (Wildstylez Remix) [New]


Edit: WTF zo hoog  =]
hostage -
03 - Zany meets The Beholder - Do You Want Heavy? [New]  :worship:
11 - Showtek - World Is Mine [New]
12 - Noisecontrollers - Samara [New]
13 - Digital Punk & Profyler - Loose Control [New]
14 - Zatox - The Noisemaker [New]
21 - Donkey Rollers - Justice 4 All
28 - Noisecontrollers - Surge Of Power [New]  :worship:
31 - Crypsis & Luna - Torture [New]
33 - Zatox feat. The R3bels - Storm [New]  :worship:

it's the only tracks I like, so it's still a red vote
tonnackscool -
 :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2: fearfm very cool  :w00t:
fakka-G. -
't Zand !!
kan er niet een extra download site komen.. rapidshare is kut  :no:
Fecarez -
Ik ben GEEN alcoholist
On 04-10-2009 20:17:29, fakka-G. wrote:

kan er niet een extra download site komen.. rapidshare is kut  :no:

Koop dan premium.. heerlijk snel.
Hardstylers -
GoooooooooooooD Set !!!!!!!!  :thumbsup2:
Sc0tTy -
where is the cue ?
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
teveel hitjuh'z  :X en foute dingen hoog  :thumbsdown:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 06-10-2009 13:56:56, dreos1337 wrote:

teveel hitjuh'z  :X en foute dingen hoog  :thumbsdown:

Ja als het goed is zijn het 40 hitjes  :doh:

dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
je snapt wat ik bedoel!  :rtfm:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 06-10-2009 14:02:14, dreos1337 wrote:

je snapt wat ik bedoel!  :rtfm:

Nee.  :showtek:
baryshx -
 :thumbsdown:  :thumbsdown:  :rtfm:  :rtfm:
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
On 05-10-2009 19:13:42, Hardstylers wrote:

GoooooooooooooD Set !!!!!!!!  :thumbsup2:

 :S  :aww:

only a few tracks that i like

01 - Noisecontrollers - Astral 2009 [New]
08 - Donkey Rollers - Innocent
13 - Digital Punk & Profyler - Loose Control [New]
14 - Zatox - The Noisemaker [New]
21 - Donkey Rollers - Justice 4 All
25 - Proppy & Heady - Summer Of Hardstyle
27 - Zatox - I Hate U [New]
28 - Noisecontrollers - Surge Of Power [New]
31 - Crypsis & Luna - Torture [New]
33 - Zatox feat. The R3bels - Storm [New]
34 - Frontliner - Sunblast
35 - Brainkicker - Assfuck [New]
___TP___ -
The Cue_file is in my post (the rar-archiv) all the other downloadlinks are mirrors from another uploader...
Nemrah -
King Of Core
On 04-10-2009 20:17:29, fakka-G. wrote:

kan er niet een extra download site komen.. rapidshare is kut  :no:

RS is echt het beste hoor. RS is altijd mega mega snel met premium. + ze hebben verreweg het meeste aanbod.

Ik kan me juist enorm ergeren aan al die wannabe RS sites tegenwoordig  :doh:
Nemrah -
King Of Core
Crypsis & Luna - Torture blijft toch een erg fijne plaat  :D
TheReckless -
party shadow boxer
goeie set:D