Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

LoAn @ Frenchcore Mix 2


Submitted by: LoAn @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:24:25
Rated by: Knomo [deleted user] Sign_X Lonsdealer ..ADEN.. MicroClown Q-DanCe__ Nielos TimTim Dooter


01. Randy vs. Radium-The Beat
02. Radium-Strong Enough
03. X-Fly-Nightlife
04. X-Fly-Chart to chart(The Sickest Squad Remix)
05. Radium-Most Masochistic
06. The Sickest Squad-Uannabanna
07. DJ Sirio-Unknown Destination
08. Frazzbass vs. The Sickest Squad-Super Mario
09. The Sickest Squad-Discoballs
10. X-Fly-Activated
11. The Sickest Squad-II Clitoride
12. DJ Sirio-Array
13. The Mastery-This is Fight Music
14. D.O.M.-New Era
15. Radium-Twilight Zone
16. The Sickest Squad-In21
17. The Sickest Squad-H.O.B.
18. Lenny Dee&Randy&The Sickest Squad-Dominating
19. Frazzbass vs. The Sickest Squad Tetris
20. Radium-Get your Hands up
21. The Sickest Squad-In03
22. The Sickest Squad-In35
23. Radium&Daisy-Trust or Die(Die Mix by Radium)
24. Radium-Max Chaos + Confusion
25. The Sickest Squad-Digital Cocaine
26. Radium-Auto Corrupt
27. Psiko-Headshot
28. Radium-Most Mutilated
29. Randy vs. Radium feat. Lenny Dee-The Next Dimension of Sound(Original Mix)
30. The Sickest Squad & Frazzbass-Kill your Brain
31. The Sickest Squad-Really Hot
32. Alarma Ravers-Candy Lover
33. D.O.M.-Pattern Engine
34. Radium-Hardcore Polizei
35. Randy-Maniac

crazyd -
tralala hoe hoe gaat i
MicroClown -
Gunz Up !
MicroClown -
Gunz Up !
Awesome  :thumbsup2: the mixing and the choice of the tracks really good  :p
GanjaMania -