Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Subs @ End of August Mix


Submitted by: TomStyle @

Rated by: Legolas TomStyle KBZLL pppbax knarfieboy


1. Explorers Of The Nile - We Are All Egyptians (intro)
2. Bloody Beetroots - Romborama
3. AutoErotique - Gladiator (Steve Aoki & DJ AM Remix)
4. Cassius - Youth, Speed , Trouble, Cigarettes (The Subs Remix)
5. Duck Sauce - Nasty
6. Pixies - Debaser
7. Vitalic - Valetta Fanfares
8. Simian Mobile Disco - Run (Subs Edit)
9. B harp
10. The Subs - Mitsubitchi
11. Diplo & Laidback Luke - Hey
12. Boys Noize & Erol Alkan - Waves

TomStyle -
Wobble Bass
The Subs - Mitsubitchi  :worship:
knarfieboy -
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