Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

To-Wa @ Heatcore Sonic Heatmix 032

Industrial Hardcore   Crossbreed   UK Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 02:00:22

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HEATMIX032 - To-Wa
Heatcore Sonic

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. [KRTM] - Albino
2. RABBeAT - Panther
3. The Silence - Ascension
4. Mindustries - Ghost Glimpse
5. Mindustries - Memory Lane
6. The Outside Agency - Return To Us
7. The DJ Producer - That Guitar Track
8. Cancel - Silent Treatment (Embrionyc Remix)
9. Densha Crisis - Monster
10. Ritchie Gambino - Now Concentrate
11. Dustrializer - Voice Of Silence
12. Akira vs Asin - Kifflom
13. Tymon - Instabitch Tymon
14. Densha Crisis - A Sun That Never Rises
15. HAYEK - Ying Yang Core
16. Krista Bourgeois - Devastator
17. RABBeAT - Camel Toast
18. RABBeAT - Do You Wonder Why I Prefer To Be Alone
19. Høbie - Distorted Sanity
20. I:Gor - Commodorize
21. RABBeAT - Quiet
22. Tymon & Splinter Cell - Bolt Cutter
23. Bildgewalt - Bodychopper
24. Sei2ure - War
25. Miyuki Omura - Perfect Education
26. Dither - They Deserve It
27. Counterstrike - Power To Distort (I:Gor Remix)
28. RVOLT - Join the Pit
29. Artheist - Avantgarde
30. The Outside Agency - Everything is Fine
31. The Clamps - Downpour
32. Deformer - Dead Hipsters (Dolphin Remix)
33. Bombshell Alliance - Jack The Ripper (RagnaRok Remix)
34. Holly - Die Again
35. Deathmachine - Dred (Inqoherent Remix)
36. Inqoherent - Hypersleep
37. Akira & Bruhze - Innovator Oldskool
38. Densha Crisis- Eternal Idols
39. Akira & Bruhze - Innovator Oldskool
40. Ophidian - Back To The Oldschool
41. Shimon Harbig ft. Høbie - SUPER-DIE-NAMITE
42. Steen & Akira - Paria
43. Sei2ure - There's A Simple Solution
44. Zerberuz - Senso
45. Fish & Rice - We Love Bad Bitches
46. Hellfish - 100 Rounds
47. Hellfish - Wanna Go Faster
48. ID (Forthcoming Sealand Recordings)
49. ID (Not signed, forth coming maybe never….)
50. The Outside Agency - Operation Thunderbolt
51. Angerfist - Geto Tremble
52. Akira - Custom Grind [VIP]
53. ID (Forthcoming Sealand Recordings)
54. Greensequence ft. Hadess - Jimmy Jones (To-Wa Remix)
55. Coretexx - Hex Sign
56. Deformer - The Bone Breaker (Angerfist Remix)
57. Daedra - Sucker
58. Hellfish & Akira - Portland Street Blues (VIP Intro)