Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Darklime @ IФ$ 2023 part 3

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore

Submitted by: darklime.carnage @

Length: 00:22:21

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1. Isolate - Getting High
2. Celt Islam - psyberpunk
3. torgull - industrial strength
4. Malke & Tooms - God's Whip
5. Malke & Tooms - Whip Of God
6. Darkcontroller & Rocky23Montana - Antilife
7. Dep Affect - Lifeless & Linear
8. 909 junkies - thirty fucking years (extended mix)
9. Dustrializer & Code:Red - Eternal
10. mathlovsky - doing drugs to pig destroyer (headkick Remix)
11. Lenny Dee & Malke - core to the rotten (Reevoid Remix)
12. rectal birth - the nasty
13. Celt Islam - Annihilation Frequency
14. faster ft. tk - breakdown the wall
15. Mathlovsky - Drug Linguistics
16. Fiend - Unseen power
17. Malke & Tooms - Evil Intent (Boris S Remix)
18. the surge project & wild fox - absolute hardcore

darklime.carnage -
Darklime - IФ$ 2023 part 4 bonus

01 malke & tooms - god's whip
02 Celt Islam - Chemical Reaction
03 technohead - extra e
04 vi ta lee - protoco designer