Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Gillbax @ Shangri-La Festival Bushido


Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:00:41

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My Early Frenchcore set at Shangri-La Festival Bushido Enjoy!

Team Gabber Events

Sangri-La Festival

Follow Gillbax

Rated by: hardcorerepublic
Favorited by: Hansolo

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1. Super Trash Bros - 1UP
2. DJ D-Tox & Komprex - Talking To A Machine
3. Micropoint - New Therapy
4. DJ Japan - Va Falloir Arreter Cela
5. The Sickest Squad - The World Is Mine
6. The Sickest Squad - IN50 the Celebration
7. Micropoint - Detox Tomorrow
8. Le Bask - Hardchoriste
9. Angerfist & Dr. Peacock - Caveman
10. Hungry Beats - Vampires Exists
11. Androgyn Network - Cannibalistic
12. Damun'z - Never On Earth
13. Kix - Just Kick It
14. Moleculez - Evil Impulse
15. Necromancer - The Führer
16. Bit Reactors - What Have You Done
17. Deathroar - Private Henk
18. The Braindrillerz - Acr
19. Sirio vs D-Tox - Loudness War
20. Cardiak - La Bretonnerie
21. Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
22. Frankentek vs Pyrut - In Ineens Zat Pipi Zonder Snuif
23. Dead N - Killed By Destiny
24. Pattern J - Time To Die
25. The Sickest Squad & Frazzbass - Nobody