Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Mind Control @ Real Hardstyle Radio 102


Submitted by: DJMindControl @

Length: 01:01:18

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1. Digital Punk - Firestorm (Original Mix)
2. B-Front - Mysterias (Original Mix)
3. E-Fect - Glorification (Deetox Remix)
4. Krowdexx - Insanity (Original Mix)
5. Clockartz - No Tomorrow (Original Mix)
6. Delete - Genocide
7. Crypsis - Gangsta Shit
8. Jason Payne - Venom
9. Alpha² & B-Front - Liberate (E-Force Remix)
10. Activator - I Am The Dark (Extended Mix)
11. The Geminizers - F.H.M. (DJ Mix)
12. Warface - Bloodshed (Solutio Remix)
13. Gunz For Hire - Bolivia
14. Frontliner & Alter Ego - Rawstyle Factory (Extended Mix)
15. Digital Punk & Adaro - Whiplashed (Original Mix)
16. Phantom - RIP (Pro Mix)
17. Bloodlust & Holy Priest - Hit The Floor (Extended Mix)
18. Element - Fake Records (Extended Mix)
19. Inpulsa - Mind Control (Extended Mix)
20. Adjuzt - The Punisher (Extended Mix)
21. Gunz For Hire - Sin City (Extended Mix)
22. B-Frontliner - K.I.C.K. (Extended Mix)
23. Digital Punk - The Future Is Ours (Extended Mix)