Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

[N] @ No Life Podcast 017

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:50

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[N] - No Life Podcast 17 - Outer Rim Radio

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Machinist - Walking Hand in Hand into Extinction
2. RABBeAT - The End
3. Tripped - Bring The Noise
4. Tripped - Turbulence
5. RABBeAT - The Farewell
6. Detest - Hood Acid (Slow & Heavy Remix)
7. Somniac One - Dad Bodies Everywhere
8. Bollmann - Rampage (Cancel Remix)
9. Nexes - Project 2501
10. HadalZone - Sobig
11. RABBeAT - The Punch
12. Tymon & Ophidian - The One
13. Erik Burka - Have You Ever Seen A Baby Pigeon
14. RABBeAT - The Void
15. [KRTM] - Baldboy
16. D3VT - Infinite Descent
17. [KRTM] - Dildo XL