Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

RAßßeAT b2b Sova @ Reer x Ekstasis II

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 02:06:57

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"Recording of the B2B of RABBeAT & SOVA at REER X Ekstasis II in Beirut, 29/12/23."

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Rezz x Shadownt x Fknsyd - Blue In The Face (KAVARI Remix)
2. The Silence - Something Hardcore
3. Eprom - Dangerous Sound
4. Arweenn - Ethereal Cyber
5. Relapse - Can't Relate
6. Somniac One - Estranged
7. Densha Crisis - Millenium Series #2
8. The Outside Agency - Godspeed
9. The Silence - Ultra Black
10. Marlen - Seisures
11. RABBeAT - The Slaves of Dawn
12. RABBeAT - Aliens
13. Kilbourne - Panopticon
14. The Outside Agency - Return To Us
15. RABBeAT - The Void
16. RABBeAT & SOVA - Corsaire 2000
17. The Silence - Ascension
18. Man & The Freaky Bastard - Stranger
19. Fracture 4 - Orchestrations Of Carbon
20. ID (Kilbourne - ID (unreleased))
21. The Silence - Full Beast
22. Igneon System & [KRTM] - Jack No. 7
23. SOVA - Harrowing The Heavy Clay
24. RABBeAT - The Punch
25. Furax Barbossa - Qui m'demande (RABBeAT Tribute)
26. RABBeAT - The Middle Finger
27. The Outside Agency & Dither - No One
28. The Outside Agency & Fracture 4 - Belief Systems
29. Somniac One - Kill Everyone
30. RABBeAT - L'indifférence
31. Soap Kills - Kasdoura (SOVA Edit)
32. RABBeAT - Buried
33. RABBeAT - The End
34. The Outside Agency & Deathmachine - The Violence
35. The Outside Agency - The Fabric Of Life
36. RABBeAT - Jungle Boy
37. Fracture 4 - So Much Sorrow
38. SOVA - Faraj
39. The Outside Agency - Unmade World