Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

John Berry @ The Orbit


Submitted by: mrbobross @

Length: 00:46:15

More info
Leeds, UK


0:00:00 - Unknown
0:04:36 - The Rising Sons - Afghan Acid (Original Mix)
0:09:06 - Equinox - Surveyor-4
0:12:33 - Pergon - The Deliverer
0:16:39 - Unknown
0:20:29 - T.H.J. Fülöp - Rave Control (By The Use Of Teargas)
0:24:40 - N.A.D. - Habibi Halua
0:27:59 - Energy 52 - Café Del Mar (DJ Kid Paul Mix)
0:32:28 - Cybordelics - Adventures Of Dama
0:37:19 - Poltergeist - Vicious Circles (Spirit Level Mix)
0:42:27 - Galaxy 2 Galaxy - Astral Apache