Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

N-Vitral vs. Major Conspiracy @ Masters of Hardcore 2024


Submitted by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 00:45:00
Rated by: -michaelhughes

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  Incomplete tracklist
1. Deadly Guns & N-Vitral - Crash The Party
2. Rooler & MC Villain - Hammertime (N-Vitral Remix)
3. Rooler & Sickmode - Too Hot (The Gang & Major Conspiracy Remix)
4. ID (Rooler & Sickmode & N-Vitral - ID)
5. The Purge - Fantasyland (Major Conspiracy Remix)
6. Warface - I Need You (N-Vitral Remix)
7. Deadly Guns & Major Conspiracy - Feels Like Heaven
8. Act Of Rage & N-Vitral - The Next Level (Equal2 Remix)
9. Dr. Peacock & Partyraiser - Trip To Holland (Major Conspiracy Remix)
10. Killshot & N-Vitral - Fat Beat (Intents Edit)
11. N-Vitral & Major Conspiracy ft. EZG - Dwars Door Het Dak
12. Major Conspiracy - Dynamite
13. Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up! (Major Conspiracy Remix)
14. Kasparov & System Shock & Revolter ft. Zwaargewicht - Poeder In Je Neusgat
15. N-Vitral pres. Bombsquad & Major Conspiracy - Klapt Door Je Botten
16. ID (ID - Inside The Mind)
17. N-Vitral pres. Bombsquad & Spitnoise - Deathblow
18. Spitnoise & Major Conspiracy - Go Fck Yourself
19. N-Vitral pres. Bombsquad & Barber - Game Of Hate
20. N-Vitral pres. Bombsquad & Dimitri K - ADHD
21. ID (ID - Go To Hell)
22. Deadly Guns & N-Vitral - Break Your Face (Kick Edit)