Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Rob Rua @ Vykhod Sily Podcast


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:58:52

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Vykhod Sily Podcast - Rob Rua Guest Mix (2)

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1. Appleblim - Vansan
2. Fearless Dread - N4
3. Ambit - Run
4. Leftflow - Whispers
5. Mia Koden - 10easy
6. Somah - Dark Arts
7. Boofy - Your Sheds Too Big
8. Beatrice M - Fortunetaly
9. Leftflow - Clubdub
10. Gentl1e Soul - Woads
11. Shackleton - New Dawn
12. Azu Tiwaline & Al Wotton - Blue Dub
13. Cubemode - Sling
14. De-tu - Headtop
15. Leftflow - Underhand
16. Commodo - Bitchcraft
17. Kahn & Neek - Rally