Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ LSA @ Madness XL - The Final Edition

Early Terror   Early Hardcore

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Length: 01:01:00

More info
LSA @ Madness XL - The Final Edition 03-02-2024 (revisited)

Rated by: hardcorerepublic
Favorited by: Hansolo

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1. Auto-Tropp - Magma
2. The Dentist From Boscaland - Track 4
3. The House Fucker - Cold Rockin'
4. Unsatisfied Evil II - Moeders Houdt Je Dochters Thuis
5. ID (00:09:20 - ???)
6. Delta 9 - Buried Alive
7. R. Wagner - Zone of Disaster
8. ID (00:17:20 - ???)
9. ID (00:20:00 - ???)
10. ID (00:22:30 - ???)
11. DJ Davyd - Fuck Paris! (Laurent Hô Remix)
12. No-Tek & Lubna - Free Part
13. Deviant - Hardness
14. Heavy - Silent Night
15. Animal Intelligence - Symphonies Of Doom
16. R. Wagner - Beyond The Ultimate
17. Liza 'N Eliaz - Torn Lace Microspace (Micro-espace De Soie Déchirée)
18. Bad Taz - Nanincantation
19. Die Gabbernauten - Der Psychonaut
20. DJ Freak - Metropolis
21. ID (00:52:40 - ???)
22. Hard Natural Nation - Monster Classics
23. Memetic - Whine Spritzer

pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
6. 00:12:50 Delta 9 - Buried Alive