Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Deadly Guns vs. Major Conspiracy @ Rebellion 2023


Submitted by: JurneSleddens @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 00:30:17

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Only these heavyweights were able to close down our weekend in the best possible way. Experience the final set of our REBELLiON Sunday presented by Deadly Guns & Major Conspiracy! ????????

Rated by: The_Sociopath

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1. ID (Deadly Guns & Major Conspiracy - ID)
2. Deadly Guns - Lost In Desire
3. Dr. Peacock & Partyraiser - Trip To Holland (Major Conspiracy Remix)
4. Deadly Guns & Irradiate - KCKPRN
5. ID (Major Conspiracy & Abaddon - Cocaine Last (ID Edit))
6. Paul Elstak & Deadly Guns - The Ultimate Paul Elstak Mash-Up (Kick Edit)
7. N-Vitral & Major Conspiracy ft. EZG - Dwars Door Het Dak
8. Deadly Guns & Warface - Last Resort (LFT Edit) [Deadly Guns Kick Edit]
9. Deadly Guns & Major Conspiracy & Juliëx ft. MC Robs - The Hardcore Elements
10. Spitnoise & Major Conspiracy - Go Fck Yourself
11. Deadly Guns - Get Dissed (Kick Edit)
12. Deadly Guns & Major Conspiracy - Feels Like Heaven
13. Deadly Guns & N-Vitral - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Edit)
14. N-Vitral pres. Bombsquad & Major Conspiracy - Klapt Door Je Botten
15. Deadly Guns - Impera
16. The Purge - Fantasyland (Major Conspiracy Remix)
17. Heavy Damage & Deadly Guns & Warface - Freed From Desire
18. ID (Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up! (ID Edit))
19. Deadly Guns - Wonderwall
20. Major Conspiracy - Go To Hell
21. Deadly Guns - Shark Attack
22. Trespassed & Major Conspiracy - Hardcore Linksvoor
23. Deadly Guns & Dimitri K - Game Over
24. Major Conspiracy ft. Dimitri K. - Ain't No Thing (Live Edit)
25. Deadly Guns & N-Vitral - Break Your Face (Kick Edit)