Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Forbidden Technique @ Hard Bass 2019 Re-Run 007 [Team Red]


Submitted by: forbidden_technique @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 00:30:21

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E-Force & Radical Redemption & Rejecta @ HARD BASS 2019 RE-RUN [TEAM RED]

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1. E-Force - Salute (Official Q-Base 2018 Hangar OST)
2. Rejecta - Followed
3. Radical Redemption - America
4. Rejecta - Move My Body
5. E-Force & Bass Chaserz - Attack
6. Radical Redemption - Only Bass
7. Rejecta - Deserve To Die
8. E-Force & Radical Redemption - Screw Up
9. Radical Redemption - The Resurrected Soul (Digital Punk Remix)
10. E-Force - Seven (2017 Edit)