Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Greensequence b2b Hexanite @ Dark Shark Industries vs Koolfish Label Night

UK Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 00:50:26

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Greensequence b2b Hexanite @ Label Night 18 - 11 - 2023
Kool-Fish Records

Rated by: hardcorerepublic Dooter
Favorited by: Hansolo

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1. The DJ Producer - Another Mindless Breakbeat Track
2. Greensequence & Hexanite - Deadly Dose
3. Nico 303 - Roarr
4. Hellfish - Turntable Savage
5. The DJ Producer - Harder They Fall
6. Hellfish - Boost The Dose
7. Hellfish - Channel Tunnel
8. Hardcoholics - Magnetic Fields
9. Hexanite - Cortex
10. Hellfish - Caged Shit (2021 Rework)
11. Technological Terror Crew - The Ripper (Skeeta Remix)
12. Technological Terror Crew - Itchy Trigger Finger Reloaded
13. Khaoz Engine & Mykoz - Welcome To The Party
14. Greensequence - Jimmy Jones
15. The DJ Producer - No 1. Set And Sound
16. Diplomat - Cool & Deadly
17. Hellfish & Bryan Fury - Fuck Everybody
18. Drokz - The Murderer
19. Greensequence - Airstrike
20. Hellfish - Hong Kong Is Full
21. Mykoz & Ragnarok - Danger
22. Drokz & Hellfish - Here to Destroy
23. Detest - The Return
24. Shimiko & Hexanite - H.O.E.
25. Mykoz & Raxyor - What The People Want
26. Akira - Ring Ring
27. Mykoz - I Own The Game

RubberenRobbie -
Tracklist as posted in the SC link:
1. The DJ Producer - Another Mindless Breakbeat Track
2. Greensequence & Hexanite - Deadly Dose
3. Nico 303 - Roarr
4. Hellfish - Turntable Savage
5. The DJ Producer - Harder They Fall
6. Hellfish - Boost The Dose
7. Hellfish - Channel Tunnel
8. Hardcoholics - Magnetic Fields
9. Hexanite - Cortex
10. Hellfish - Caged Shit (2021 Rework)
11. Technological Terror Crew - The Ripper (Skeeta Remix)
12. Technological Terror Crew - Itchy Trigger Finger Reloaded
13. Khaoz Engine & Mykoz - Welcome To The Party
14. Greensequence - Jimmy Jones
15. The Dj Producer - No 1. Set And Sound
16. Diplomat - Cool & Deadly
17. Hellfish & Bryan Fury - F*ck Everybody
18. Drokz - The Murderer
19. Greensequence - Airstrike
20. Hellfish - Hong Kong Is Full
21. Mykoz & Ragnarok - Danger
22. Drokz & Hellfish - Here To Destroy
23. Detest - The Return
24. Shimiko & Hexanite - H.O.E. (UNRELEASED)
25. Mykoz, Raxyor - What The People Want
26. Akira - Ring Ring
27. Mykoz - I Own The Game
Edited by RubberenRobbie on 07-01-2024 00:51
Dooter -
I love UK hardcore / Frenchcore