Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Max Rider @ Crossbones Episode 091

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: Motorhead @

Filetype: Lossless WAV
Length: 01:03:25

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It's Friday time again, and here we are once again. Max Rider is back once again with some serious stuff out there, this time the whole episode is dedicated to the UK finest halftime label Zodiac Music, we both really like what they are doing, it's really possibly that people even don't know about such label, and so we agreed that it will be interesting to bring some of their dark, heavy, viscous and textural beats from their catalog.

Recorded live with one take.


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1. Bonin & Draven - Hideki
2. llu-Nam-Ru & Aikanã - Ersetu
3. Bereneces & Akinsa - Hovitos
4. Awa - Rain
5. Aikana - Terror
6. Bereneces - Hereditary (Aikana Remix)
7. Bonin & YHVHSQUAD - 晋三
8. YHVHSQUAD & Bonin - 斬
9. Bonin + Raku - Odokuro
10. Riddle + Aikana - Inertia
11. YHVHSQUAD - Waiver
12. Akinsa - Temple of Sh'yan (Bereneces Remix)
13. Aikana - Dance of Death (Kiri Remix)
14. Spiritual Voices + Aikana - Phantasm
15. YHVHSQUAD - Split The Haze
16. Rarity + Aikana - Brotherhood
17. Ikiryo - Kuripa
18. Ahmad - Evidence
19. Kojin - Hybrid
20. Aikana - Tapayuna
21. NoRules - Ripper
22. Hidden World - Riots