Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ruffneck & Promo @ Hellbound 2023

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 00:59:14
Rated by: nielo The_Sociopath Hansolo DeadMan hardstyl3MF dev77 Sarge

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1. Signs Of Chaos ‎- Untitled (AA) [KILLIT 03] (2)
2. Promo - Bad Boy Style
3. Paradox - What Is Wisdom ?
4. Promo - Can't Hold Me Down
5. Knightvision - The Search For Mariuhana
6. Brian Acardy - Let Da Bass Boom
7. Promo & DJ Delirium - Bass Power
8. Promo - Return To The Darkside (Brian Acardy Remix)
9. DJ Jappo vs DJ Lancinhouse - Bring It Fine
10. Promo - Fuck Them Followers
11. Masters of Ceremony - A Way of Life (Promo Remix)
12. DJ Promo - Kill Da Noise
13. Wedlock - The Genesis
14. Keng - Low Motherfucker
15. DJ Isaac - Bass And Sound
16. Promo - Cheating Bitch (Dedicated)
17. Juggernaut - Don't Fuck With A Ruffneck
18. DJ Promo - Beat Ya Brain (Again)
19. Ruffneck - I Am Reborn (Rezerection)
20. Promo - Mad-Donna
21. Juggernaut - The World Of The LSD-User (DJ Ruffneck Remix) (1)
22. DJ Promo - Shut Up! (Ruffer Mix) (1)
23. Ruffneck - The Death Below
24. DJ Promo - Cold As Stone
25. Ruffneck - My Balls & My Word!
26. Promo - Undaground Wayz

davidvl -
1. ID
2. Promo - Bad Boy Style
3. Paradox - What Is Wisdom
4. Promo - Can't Hold Me Down
5. Knightvision - The Search For Mariuhana !
6. Brian Acardy - Let The Bass Boom
7. Promo & DJ Delirium - Bass Power
8. Promo - Return To The Darkside (Brian Acardy Remix)
9. D.J. Jappo vs. D.J. Lancinhouse - Bring It Fine
10. Promo - Fuck Them Followers
11. Masters Of Ceremony - A Way Of Life (DJ Promo Remix)
12. Promo - Kill Tha Noise
davidvl -
13. Wedlock - The Genesis
14. Keng - Low Motherfucker
15. DJ Isaac - Bass And Sound
16. Promo - Cheating Bitch (Dedicated)
17. Juggernaut - Don't Fuck With A Ruffneck
18. Promo - Beat Ya Brain Again
19. Ruffneck - I Am Death (Red 1 Corinthians 15:26)
20. Promo - Mad Donna
21. Juggernaut - The World Of The LSD-User (Unknown Edit/Mix/Remix?)
22. Promo - Shut Up! (Unknown Edit/Mix/Remix?)
23. Ruffneck - The Death Below
24. Promo - Cold As Stone
25. Ruffneck - My Balls & My Word!
26. Promo - Undaground Wayz
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Someone with the last IDs?
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
I guess #22 are two IDs...
davidvl -
I remember having heard #22 a long time ago on Radio Balans (late 90s). Could be unreleased. It's a Promo production for sure but that's all I know at this point.
davidvl -
Also think I made a mistake with #19 , it's actually 'Ruffneck - I Am Reborn'
Dj-Mindhunter -
22. Dj Promo - Shut Up (remix)
davidvl -
On 24-08-2023 07:59:49, Dj-Mindhunter wrote:

22. Dj Promo - Shut Up (remix)

I asked the BOSS himself and he calls it Shut Up ! (Ruffer mix)