Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Khadber @ August Mix #2


Submitted by: Khadber @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:10:00
Rated by: A-BASS Nevio TimTim San_Miquel CrazyDutchMan Frenkle


01. Abyss & Judge - Hardstyle Revolution (Showtek Remix)
02. Headhunterz Vs. Wildstylez - Project One
03. The Hose - The Pressure
04. Williams Syndrome - Thunder
05. Builder - Her Voice (Super Bass Mix)
06. Zany - Pure
07. Brennan Heart - The City Of Intensity (Decibel Anthem 2009)
08. Tat & Zat - Gold Medley With Strange
09. Proppy & Heady - The Summer Of Hardstyle
10. Dark Oscillators - Superstar DJ
11. Virus - Rush (Blutonium Boy & Neo Hardstyle Mix)
12. Vyolet - Burning
13. Sylenth - Detonation
14. Phil Ty - Miami Belch (Polite Mix)
15. The Beholder Meets Zany - Euphoria

Khadber -
Link gives some strange EQ at some points. Reuploading a quality version now.
Old link can be deleted.

edit - link placed

Comments wanted  :).
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
04. Williams Syndrome - Thunder
07. Brennan Heart - The City Of Intensity (Decibel Anthem 2009)
10. Dark Oscillators - Superstar DJ
14. Phil Ty - Miami Belch (Polite Mix)

 :X  :X

Dev -
Doctor Love
On 22-08-2009 17:17:57, TimTim wrote:

07. Brennan Heart - The City Of Intensity (Decibel Anthem 2009)
 :X  :X



07. Brennan Heart - The City Of Intensity (Decibel Anthem 2009)
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 22-08-2009 17:17:57, TimTim wrote:

14. Phil Ty - Miami Belch (Polite Mix)
:X  :X


14. Phil Ty - Miami Belch (Polite Mix)
Nevio -
On 22-08-2009 17:57:47, Pithune wrote:



14. Phil Ty - Miami Belch (Polite Mix)

Yes, maybe a little overplayed but a great track  :L
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
naahh you both just have no taste:p don't like the song and a little overplayed:-/ waayyy to much

was always the same in sets then: Thunder + Miami Belch  :X
Jatoch -
On 22-08-2009 17:59:49, TimTim wrote:

naahh you both just have no taste:p don't like the song and a little overplayed:-/ waayyy to much

was always the same in sets then: Thunder + Miami Belch  :X

Ik zie je anders nooit zoveel janken bij die hardcore sets, maar het vaak gebruiken van 'n track nog 10x zo erg is.
Dakpan -
No Hostages
Laat TimTim joh, is nu wel duidelijk dat die de site debiel is toch.
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 22-08-2009 18:06:51, Jatoch wrote:

Ik zie je anders nooit zoveel janken bij die hardcore sets, maar het vaak gebruiken van 'n track nog 10x zo erg is.

had et al gezegd ergens dat ik het veel minder met hardcore heb dan hardstyle (hoewel daar ook wel heel wat plaatjes zijn hoor)

voor de rest lekkere set khadber!  :worship:
Khadber -
Dankjewel Timtim, nog iemand anders wat op de set aan te merken? Tracklist heb ik express best gevarieerd gemaakt  :).
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 22-08-2009 18:21:01, Khadber wrote:

Dankjewel Timtim, nog iemand anders wat op de set aan te merken? Tracklist heb ik express best gevarieerd gemaakt  :).

Het is beter dat je Tim niet serieus neemt
Theekop -
Woef woef Pluto
08. Tat & Zat - Gold Medley With Strange  (L)
Khadber -
Soundcloud link added.
San_Miquel -
Top setje  :thumbsup: