Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

G1 & Twizted @ Mixato


Submitted by: Hardstyler90 @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:11:32
Rated by: Sniper TobyDuo Hardstyler90 Titatovenaar pixnion
Favorited by: TobyDuo


1.Abyss & Judge - DMW
2.Noisecontrollers - Yellow minute
3.Frontliner - Time
4.Headhunterz - a new day
5.Wildstylez - Push That Feeling
6.The Prophet - Fuck R
7.Wildstylez - Clubbin
8.Scope-DJ - My Vision
9.Frontliner - Sunblast
10.G1 & Twizted - Ill Behavior
11.G1 & Twizted - Black Bash
12.Primax ft. Mc G-Angel - Tunnel Biznizz (G1 & Twizted Mix)
13.Grandmaster Q - Until Then (Josh & Wesz Mix)
14.Nasty Boyz - Angel (Hardstyle Masterz Mix)
15.Tat & Zat - Proud to be Loud

Sniper -
Niceee  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
D-Mind -
New tracks  :o
Gonna check!
D-Mind -
Primax ft. Mc G-Angel - Tunnel Biznizz (G1 & Twizted Mix)  :L  :L  :L  :L
TobyDuo -
1.Abyss & Judge - DMW
3.Frontliner - Time
4.Headhunterz - a new day
5.Wildstylez - Push That Feeling
6.The Prophet - Fuck R
8.Scope-DJ - My Vision
9.Frontliner - Sunblast
10.G1 & Twizted - Ill Behavior
11.G1 & Twizted - Black Bash
12.Primax ft. Mc G-Angel - Tunnel Biznizz (G1 & Twizted Mix)
13.Grandmaster Q - Until Then (Josh & Wesz Mix)

 :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :bomb:
Hardstyler90 -
On 22-08-2009 23:27:38, TobyDuo wrote:

1.Abyss & Judge - DMW
3.Frontliner - Time
4.Headhunterz - a new day
5.Wildstylez - Push That Feeling
6.The Prophet - Fuck R
8.Scope-DJ - My Vision
9.Frontliner - Sunblast
10.G1 & Twizted - Ill Behavior
11.G1 & Twizted - Black Bash
12.Primax ft. Mc G-Angel - Tunnel Biznizz (G1 & Twizted Mix)
13.Grandmaster Q - Until Then (Josh & Wesz Mix)

 :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :bomb:

Hardstyler90 -
On 22-08-2009 16:48:32, D-Mind wrote:

Primax ft. Mc G-Angel - Tunnel Biznizz (G1 & Twizted Mix)  :L  :L  :L  :L
