Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

M.o.R.T. @ Magie Noire - GAMMA OH Tribute

Early Terror   Speedcore

Submitted by: M.o.R.T. @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 01:10:16

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Vinyl tribute to one of my favourite labels of the last decade, GAMMA OH Records.

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Disturbed Soul - Spectral Incantation
2. Hypon De Venin - CB Level 10
3. Khaos Pad - Air Liquide
4. Disturbed Soul - Dark Time
5. Pulsion Cardiak - Occulte
6. Laboureur - Brisure
7. Oraj - Patience
8. Hypon De Venin - Seigneur Des Agneaux
9. John Faustus - Magie Noire
10. Disturbed Soul - Something In The Way
11. Leto Process - Violon Dingue
12. Oraj - 100 Noeuds Sous Terre
13. Pulsion Cardiak - Occulte
14. Disturbed Soul - Letargik World
15. Mr. Porc - Grosse Salope
16. John Faustus - Imposture
17. Khaos Pad - Etat Solide
18. Leto Process - Spn
19. Mr. Porc - The White Noise

Bedlam -
Think that's about right maybe missed some out?

Disturbed Soul - Spectral Incantation - GOH 02
Hypon De Venin - CB Level 10 - GOH 01
Khaos Pad - Air Liquide - GOH 11
Disturbed Soul - Dark Time - GOH 02
Pulsion Cardiak - Occulte - GOH 07
Laboureur - Brisure - GOH 08
Oraj - Patience - GOH 09
Hypon De Venin - Seigneur Des Agneaux - GOH 05
John Faustus - Magie Noire - GOH 12
Disturbed Soul - Something In The Way - GOH 02
Leto Process - Violon Dingue - GOH03
Oraj - 100 Noeuds Sous Terre - GOH 09
Pulsion Cardiak - Occulte - GOH 07
Disturbed Soul - Letargik World - GOH 02
Mr. Porc - Grosse Salope - GOH 04
John Faustus - Imposture - GOH 12
Khaos Pad - Etat Solide - GOH 11
Leto Process - Spn - GOH03
Mr. Porc - The White Noise - GOH 04