Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Hasnogame @ Unaffiliated 5

Happy Hardcore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 00:31:38

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1. Madeon - Cut The Kid (Devon NXC Edit)
2. DJ Genki ft. Yukacco - HAPPY HAPPY REVOLUTION!!!!!
3. DJ Genki & P*Light - Popping Happiness!
4. Policeman - Galo Sengen
5. Tank - B12!! =^.^=
6. Kobaryo - Naughty & Anarchy
7. T+pazolite - Chrome Vox
8. 3R2 as DJ Mashiro - Happiness Breeze
9. DJ Noriken - Broken Toybox
10. P*Light - kana*kana
11. Minamotoya - The Past Dayz
12. Onionroom - Grab The Knife (Yandere Brainwashing - liv ! Speedcore Remix)
13. DJ Girl - I Yield My Time
14. Strovi - Steel Angel
15. Buum - kandii
16. DJ Shimamura - Bring The Noize
17. Lolistyle Gabbers - Party☆Night☆Mare
18. Srav3R - Pastel Yellow
19. P*Light - Bow Wow Panic!!
20. DJ Noriken - Cheatcode
21. DJ Noriken - Unstoppable Vibes
22. Dead - The Facebook Of Sex