Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Roel Funcken @ FB Beat Mix

Intelligent Dance Music   Dubstep   Drum & Bass

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 02:31:00

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Roel Funcken

Rated by: hardcorerepublic


1 . Alix Perez & Ebb . Shallow Affect . Atlas / 2
2 . Plaid . C.A. . Feorm Falorx
3 . Roel Funcken & Cor Bolten . Stark3 . Stark ep
4 . Granul . Improper . Groove Palette
5 . /DL/MS/ . Invisible Bits . Calanhi
6 . James Shinra . Miluv . Surface EP
7 . Roel Funcken & Cor Bolten . Stark2 . Stark ep
8 . Roel Funcken . Thorn Cacti . Semtinal Convex EP
9 . SHADES . Into Stone . From a Vein
10 . Rolando Simmons . Sisters On The Shore . Magic Crystal
11 . Roel Funcken . Milagro Beanfield . Hexavalent
12 . TRAKA . Yosai (Commodo Remix) . YUKU Remixes 001
13 . Legiac . Scopolamine . Vespertine
14 . The Fear Ratio . Blood Soldiers . Refuge of a Twisted Soul
15 . Supertask . SIDE B . Debt Loop
16 . Roel Funcken & Cor Bolten . Stark6 . Stark ep
17 . wrk.dat . Pineapple Express . w.d o2
18 . Karsten Pflum and Serge Geyzel . Lomo . Remains Of The Day EP
19 . Monologue . Sister Swedge . Acid Settee
20 . IMANU . Shoyu (feat. DROELOE) . Unfold
21 . G Jones . On The Platform . Acid Disk 2
22 . EPROM . Flex Acid . Acid Disk 2
23 . Kupla . Paradise . Mirage

1 . Mr. Carmack . reputation . Drugs EP
2 . Commodo . How Dare You . How What Time
3 . Silk Road Assassins . Split Matter (ft. Kuedo) . State Of Ruin
4 . Herzeloyde . my thing . 4D EP
5 . Sorrow . Embrace . Dreamstone
6 . Scorn . C1 Snag . Stealth
7 . Commodo . Deft 1s . Deft 1s
8 . J:Kenzo . The Roteks . The Roteks / Protected
9 . Reso . Nempo . Tangram
10 . Roel Funcken . Graines . Metheus
11 . Eskmo . Speaker's Corner . Speaker's Corner
12 . FLO . Timewalk . Timewalk EP
13 . Kanomotis . Acid . 2K Compilation
14 . Drone . Fools Gold . Atlas / 1
15 . Kahn . Polar . Electronic Explorations
16 . Kercha . Borderless . Borderless
17 . Kursa . Ghoul . The Magic Returns
18 . Alix Perez . Deep Six . Last Rites EP
19 . Kursa . Reach Down . Lost Sessions. 1
20 . q100, ØZ & FLO . Time Dilation . Singularity EP
21 . HIJINX . Shush . Codex / 1
22 . CESCO . Cesco - Juan40 . Rattler EP
23 . Skee Mask . RZZ . ISS004
Kercha Acid (digital bonus) Mental Ballast EP
25 . Cause4Concern . Dead Weight . Invisible 004 EP
26 . Halogenix . Odesa . Together with Ukraine
27 . Bop . Space 2 Breathe VIP . Together with Ukraine
28 . Paige Julia . Ease Your Mind . Atlas / 2
29 . emjulate . Guilt Trip . emjulate EP
30 . Culprate . Dawn . Dawn
31 . Skylark & Exept . The Mist . MISSION 01
32 . Tipper . SinBanshee . Insolito
33 . Workforce . Your Loss (Halogenix Remix) . Late Night Soundtrack (Remixes)
34 . Alix Perez & Monty . Untitled Malware . Atlas / 1
35 . Monty . Monty - Stylz . Hit The Lights [ONEF038]
36 . Noisia & Halogenix . Wordless . Closer
37 . Break . Something New (Xtrah remix) . The Other Side
38 . Phace & Noisia . CCTV . CCTV