Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Schallfolter @ Krank Ist Normal

Speedcore   Terror

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: WAV
Length: 00:46:49

More info
Schallfolter @ Krank Ist Normal 23/4/22
Xtreme Smoke

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Noizefucker - Captain Howdy
2. NH3 - Der Hinterhalt
3. Neanderthal Von Core - Bessessen Abschaum
4. Las Vegas 909 - Speedcore is Fun
5. Okcid - Sending The Pain
6. DJ R. Shock - Absolutely Rare
7. Claymore - Commercial Meltdown (Get This Or Die)
8. Noisekick - Let The Beat Control Your Mind
9. ANC - Gebratene Birne
10. DJ Mikro - Error Terror
11. Materialschlacht - Die Vollstreckung
12. Disco Cunt - Hitlist Germany (Noize Edit)
13. BooT SectoR ViruZ - At Least I Hope So
14. Totschlager - Drecksack
15. Pain Alliance - Gottes Bose Kinde
16. Speedhaste - Get Rumble
17. Cipher - Eiter Kotzen
18. V8 - Braindead
19. Earfist - Legion Of Noize
20. Hellz Army - Low Class Creatures (Nevermind Remix)
21. Schallfolter @ Bottrop Poodle Suck My Arse

Bedlam -
Nice to hear old speedcore thanks for the find Hardcorerepublic!  :thumbsup:
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
Cheers  :beer: it's good to have this website running on normal speed again .. i guess i'll be spamming sets til the very last day  :D